Sep 07, 2004 21:55
Age of first kiss: real kiss? Prolly around 5 or 6 years old-no shit...Early Bloomer :)
Number of people you've kissed: Who knows-too many
French kissing is: Great
The worst kind of kiss is: when the person tries to hard to impress with the kiss
The best kisser you know: ME!!!
The worst kisser you know: Thats a hard one
The celebrity you'd like to kiss: Dave Gahan-I know my mom would for sure
Friend you would like to kiss: Im not saying shit
Favorite movie kiss: The Kiss from the Godfather *kiss of death*
Do you kiss on the first date? Sure would
Eyes open or closed? Closed. Open...Im not shy
Average number of kisses you get a day: Hmm not sure-but I get a plenty
Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? Yup
The last person you kissed: My Strumpet
Best placed to be kissed: anywhere really
Have you kissed someone of the same sex? Hell no
What about the opposite sex? well duh.
Do you consider kissing cheating? Not really
The longest you've gone without a kiss: Yet another hard question
The kiss you regret most is: None really
Kissing in public is: Doesnt matter to me
Tongue rings are: thats fine,thats fine
Two girls kissing is: Not for me-sry
Two guys kissing is: Ditto