Just got done with reading over my Radiohead news. Oddly, this
link is promoting Thom Yorke's (Radiohead) new album. It was mentioned the day before without much mentioning of what the hell it was supposed to be.
But that's not why I'm squealing. Taken from
Greenplastic which is on
You Tube this:
In order:
I saw the Creep version of them playing the Beach House...I'm thinking this song came after that one. This is the infamous performance that I heard about. Johnny Greenwood in little kid's pj's (was wondering why the shirt looked weird), Thom swimming in the water, Ed's poofy pirate shirt making him very L.A. sexy, and Colin with long hair.
I miss this look of the band. Granted I got into them after they cut their hair a bit, but god! Don't they look hot? Running around and screeching on their instruments...I miss that. And sort of punkish to fit the grungy music of that time period...oh and Phil has hair ^_^
Anyone Can Play Guitar: AKA to me, Bouncy Beach House Fun With Radiohead! Then this performance on M2...didn't know they did this song for M2. I have the concert version, so I didn't think they'd play it for the cameras....
Thom's touching himself just before a quick cut to Phil (drummer) O_o God he's sexy...and I miss Phil's hair :(
The Most Sexiest Song Ever: Nobody Does It Better A performance I've never seen before. Take note of the above link and this one: Johnny playing with his left-hand AND singing (He just plays the guitar right handed), and they're also not really playing...you can tell especially b/c Thom doesn't sing the last part of the song.
It's very jaunty and sort of Beatlish lol.
I miss Phil's hair. I miss Thom dying his hair. My favorite will be blonde long hair though (notice above link). Oh and the way Thom dressed during that time period...he had the coolest pants and sneakers! I think I even sported one like that for a while....God I miss that look.
Just Then finally when they were on the worst SNL episode ever...I just didn't like it and I thought at one point it was offensive. Why when they're doing the music on the show they decided to do offensive AND stupid skits?
I had this ep. on tape. Not sure what happened to it, but it had some REALLY great picture interludes before their performance. Wish I could find a caption somewhere...
Oh and Thom going wild made me squeal with intensity...not as much as the 1st two links b/c of the band members were doing stuff that made me squeal more.
SNL I'm sorry if you have to go visit the link. Apparently LJ doesn't like embedded links O-o. Gonna play WoW now ^_^ SeeYa!