(no subject)

May 16, 2005 17:44

I've liked Tom from the beginning, I really have. But I've also liked Ian and I think that what Tom and especially that bitch Katie did to him last night was really shitty. First of all, okay, he shouldn't have let it slip that he was even contemplating voting Tom off, but come on. That shit was NEVER his idea. He just sort of listened to what the girls had to say and allowed himself to be swayed into thinking that it might be a good idea to get rid of Tom.

But the poor guy! He's too nice to even defend himself properly. And if there was ever a time when I wanted to reach through the TV and smack someone, it was Katie after the Ian/Jen-tie tribal council. She was joining in with Tom, yelling at Ian, practically convincing him that it had been his idea to vote off Tom. When, really, it was her idea. Hers and Jen's. And Tom was almost scary that night. I really think that Ian could have beat Tom in the buoy challenge and it made me so mad that he felt he had to "earn" their friendship by doing what he did. I was literally crying at the thought of him beating himself up about that.

Katie got on my nerves from the get-go and I was surprised when she didn't get voted out early on . . . until I found out she had aligned herself with Tom and Ian. I don't know why they ever took her in, but that's beside the point. She did NOT deserve to be in the final two, but she got there somehow. Her opening statement to the jury actually impressed me a little bit. A little bit. I liked that she was honest about just getting with the strong players and riding their coat tails. Still . . .

When the jury got to ask their questions, I was floored at some of her responses, especially the one to Janu. Hel-fucking-lo. Even if you didn't expect to get her vote, do you think that response won anyone else over? Bitch.

So, all in all, I guess I'm glad that Tom won. I was rooting for him from the beginning, but I got to like Ian more and more and I think that what happened to Ian was really shitty.

The end.
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