[oo12] Motto: We wish to remain what we are.

Nov 16, 2008 23:05

Ten was starting to feel like she was failing at being a civilian. There was no more discipline in her day to day life. She found herself up early every day doing sets of two hundred to three hundred curls. It was to stay in shape of course.

It took six months of trying to work before she found herself at a military recruitment office. Her fingers itched to fill out forms. Ten knew this was a bad idea. But she was a soldier. Nothing could change that. She felt a longing for the Xavier Site that felt like she was betraying her ideals. It made her feel like crying.

Then she froze as she felt two men walking towards the recruitment office. She turned on her heel intending to walk away but then she found one of them had stopped to look at her. It felt very surreal for Ten. He had the very clearly obvious to a REAL soldier eyes of someone who had seen a great deal. His sharp gaze felt like it was tearing right into her.

Ten didn't even notice that she was at attention. She saw he was a Major and just responded to it. He was military. He was higher up than a grunt like her. She had to show him respect.

"Woah there kid," he said with his breath coming out across her in the cold early morning air.

Ten blinks then awkwardly shifts back to her act. "Sorry...Sir. I just kinda...Uh. I was just passing by."

Ten felt like she had to leave. She wasn't supposed to draw attention to herself. But here she was outside a recruitment office.

There was a snort from the young Sargent next to the Major. "It's a little early for anyone to be passing by kid."

Ten feels a sharp sting of offense. "I pass by here every other morning when I'm out for my morning run. It's normally before you two are in. I like being up early."

She wasn't going to lie. The need to be outside and moving often brought her past here. Always before they were in. "I don't go past here on my way back. I don't like being seen."

The Major looks Ten over and she feels like she's back in Xavier under inspection. It makes her very happy and leaves a warm glow in her chest. She hates herself for it but she recognizes that she misses being a soldier.

"You're not out running today," the Major says not missing a beat.

Ten blushes and looks down. "I clipped my knee. I'm not supposed to even walk as far as I do."

The Sargent sighs then gets out the keys to unlock the office. "Come on in kid. Maybe we can help you."

The Major was ready to smile and offer her some coffee. She looked troubled to the Major. It was something in her eyes.

"Wait," he calls and she's off running away. He feels a bit guilty that she's running but he thinks she'll be back. It's just a feeling.

The Major trusts his feelings.

[Future AU]

au, future, november promts, dmooc, 11-15

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