(no subject)

May 10, 2004 01:10

Aaron has been missing. Why has Aaron been missing? Because no one cares!! Does Aaron care that no one cares that Aaron has been missing? No!! Why does Aaron not care that no one cares that Aaron has been missing? Because Aaron doesn't care about those that doesn't care that he has been missing! And why should you care if he cares if you care when you don't care in the first place?! Because if you cared about him caring if you cared over if he cares or not that he's been missing, you would have attempted to find him! But you haven't! Thus Aaron has no care in the world to try and make sense out of you when you don't even care if he's been around or not, even alive, for all that matters. Aaron would like to share words and pictures, at this second.. but he's unable to. So, in the words of Daffy Duck, "FUCK YEW YOU SLOB. SLOBB ON MY KNOBBBB BISH."
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