MMM its always better when we're together... look at the STARS when we're together

Aug 22, 2005 14:40

So I went on an interesting trip with Kirsten on Saturday.  We each sat down and made a list of everything we thought about.  Kirsten started way before me, so her's is longer.  Well... I'm not sure how else to explain it... so here we go.

  1. Brumbelow
  2. Act like Bo
  3. Drop everything you are holding
  4. JB is running Jaime's life
  5. and he's happy
  6. Everything swirls together
  7. There is no purpose to anything
  8. But tomorrow we will know what
  9. Open eyes and closed eyes don't matter
  10. What really matters? Nothing matters
  11. I love JB
  12. It all blends
  13. We will change. It is possible.
  14. We must appreciate the things we don't think about
  15. How could more matter?
  16. Moving too fast to understand
  17. We get smarter the more we talk
  18. Do not call Justin back
  19. When will we know that reality is nothing?
  20. After this we will understand
  21. Jaime is not fat
  22. Beginning sucks but then it all makes sense
  23. My pen has importance

  1. I could make a star any way
  2. Kirsten, I understand everything
  3. Jack Johnson has created my world for me
  4. I can't grasp my bedroom
  5. Nothing bad, we don't need to clean
  6. He's talking to me, just be happy, music talks
  7. I do love Kirsten, in this state her world makes sense
  8. It feels good because I understand
  9. Color and contact make this world better
  10. I thought I could explain this, but you just feel
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