So I went on an interesting trip with Kirsten on Saturday. We each sat down and made a list of everything we thought about. Kirsten started way before me, so her's is longer. Well... I'm not sure how else to explain it... so here we go.
- Brumbelow
- Act like Bo
- Drop everything you are holding
- JB is running Jaime's life
- and he's happy
- Everything swirls together
- There is no purpose to anything
- But tomorrow we will know what
- Open eyes and closed eyes don't matter
- What really matters? Nothing matters
- I love JB
- It all blends
- We will change. It is possible.
- We must appreciate the things we don't think about
- How could more matter?
- Moving too fast to understand
- We get smarter the more we talk
- Do not call Justin back
- When will we know that reality is nothing?
- After this we will understand
- Jaime is not fat
- Beginning sucks but then it all makes sense
- My pen has importance
- I could make a star any way
- Kirsten, I understand everything
- Jack Johnson has created my world for me
- I can't grasp my bedroom
- Nothing bad, we don't need to clean
- He's talking to me, just be happy, music talks
- I do love Kirsten, in this state her world makes sense
- It feels good because I understand
- Color and contact make this world better
- I thought I could explain this, but you just feel