(no subject)

Apr 12, 2005 21:20

the beach was awesome! jordan taught me how 2 surf AND skin board for my FIRST time. it was suppppeeerrrrrr funnnnn.  the water was kinda chilly but i got used 2 it. got a bad burn also..... ppl have been tellin me so far this weeek "ur red" "did u get burnt?"....etc. etc.   ...........pleez do not say or ask the obvious. really annoying.  today was an ordinary day.  tomorrow my dad and i have 2 go pick up jordan from school as soon as i get home. he has detention and he would have 2 walk home if we didnt pick him up sooo ya.  from lake gibson to Sherwood Forest....pretty far to walk  in my opinion.

Christian let me wear his yellow livestrong bracelet thingy durin 5-7th period and also OVERNITE! how exciting. im taking very good care of it tho.... :)     wellll i really dont have much more 2 say, nothin too exciting on my mind. goodbye for now.

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