Unfinished stories

Dec 01, 2004 18:58

Hey I have two unfinished stories which I know I'll never complete. I'm going to post them on here and I want to know if any one wants to continue them. Tell me if you want to, please.

First one:
I am just about to tell my best friends in the whole world the hardest thing I’ll have to tell
anyone. They’re all looking at me expectantly and I blush and look at the floor.

“Go on then,” Steve says and pats my shoulder “We haven’t got all day y’know.”

“I’m gay.” I blurt out and blush more furiously than I had been doing before, still looking at
the ground from my position on the sofa in the tour bus living room.

The silence was deafening, I dared to look up. Steve wasn’t smiling anymore; Dave had a stony
look n his face and Deryck’s expression was unreadable. I think he’s angry; he’s going to beat
the shit out of me.

“This is a joke right?” Steve asked, he was grinning uncertainly now. Jesus, why can’t he
realise this isn’t a joke. I swear he is one of the most dumbest fuckers on earth, I mean here I
am telling you all my deepest darkest secret and you treat it as a joke! I close my eyes, let my
head flop backwards and let out a sigh.

“No Steve, this isn’t a joke.” I mumble just loud enough for everyone to hear.

The slamming of the flimsy tour bus door makes me jump and open my eyes. It was Deryck, he hates
me. He’s going to kick me out of the band ‘cos he doesn’t want a fag like me in it. I want to run
and hide but I can’t there’s nowhere to go, I’m stuck.

The bus is so small! There’s no space, the walls are closing in on me. I barely notice myself
slide onto the floor and get into the foetal position, there’s this weird tightening in my chest
and suddenly I can’t breathe. God it hurts.

Then Dave and Steve are huddled over me, smothering me. Their mouths are moving but I can’t hear
what they’re saying.

Steve’s POV

Fucking hell, I’m bored! I know Cone’s got something really important to tell us but could he at
least hurry up about it? Finally I give in to temptation.

I pat him on the shoulder and I say, “Go on then, we haven’t got all day y’know.”

“I’m gay.” He says.

Well, I don’t think any of us were expecting that. But he’s got to be kidding right? I mean he
can’t be gay, he’s had some girlfriends before. Doesn’t add up much he has got to be messing.

“This is a joke right?” I ask and he looks angry for a second then flops his head back on the
sofa, closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. Fuckin’ hell, he might just be serious.

“No Steve, this isn’t a joke.” It’s so quiet I almost missed it but I’m pretty sure Dave and
Deryck heard. I look at them to try and see how they felt, first I decide to study Dave. He’s
slumped on the beanbag next to the sofa with a half empty glass of beer in his hands, by his
face I can tell he’s thinking of something to say.

I turn my gaze to Deryck but he’s not where he was two seconds ago, I hear the bang of the door
leading into the bunk area and sigh. I thought Deryck would’ve been all right with it I mean I’m
sure he’s not homophobic or anything like that. God, I hope he’s not.

I look back at Cone. He’s eyes are darting nervously everywhere and his breathing has started to
get ragged. He slips off the sofa onto the floor and curls up into a ball. Me and Dave are
immediately up off of our seats and huddle next to him but I think it’s making things worse. Shit
it is, I don’t know what to do!

“Jay, buddy please snap out of it. You’re killing me here.” I tell him and I’m pretty sure Dave
said something too but I can’t hear him. Jay’s got tears rolling tears rolling down his face that
is turning red from lack of oxygen. Jesus Christ I feel so helpless! I don’t know what to do; one
of my best buds is just lying on the floor dying! I do the only thing I can think of.

“Deryck! Help!” I scream and I’m sure he heard me, I swear that people In the other buses can
hear me but I don’t care.

“Deryck!” I scream again and he comes running. He looked pissed off but after catching a glimpse
of Cone he runs to the Driver’s part of the bus.

I don’t know what he said but the bus pulled to a stop a couple of seconds later after pulling
over. Deryck re-enters the room and pushes me out of the way as he kneels next to Cone, I open my
mouth to say something but he glares at me. My mouth snapped shut.

“Driver’s calling an ambulance, will you guys fucking back off? You know Cone can’t deal with
being crowded.”

I nod and back off, I had totally forgotten about that. Dave had too by the look on his face, he
goes and sits on the sofa watching Deryck trying to calm Jay down while I go outside.

It’s really dark and quite cold but I don’t really give a damn. Some much stuff has happened in
the last half an hour, it’s unbelievable. I walk to the end of the bus and watch as the other
buses carrying the bands for the tour drive past us. One of them pulls up about ten feet in
front of my band’s bus and I instantly recognise it as Good Charlotte’s. The door opens and one
of the twins gets off, I can’t tell which because it’s so fucking dark. But y’know whatever. I
don’t know how I can be so calm, it’s weird.

“Hey, Stevo.” It’s Benji, definitely. Joel never calls me that for some strange reason. He sits
down next to me on the rail thing.

“Why’d you guys pull over?” He asks when I don’t say hello back.

“Cone’s dying.” I told him, I hope he didn’t notice the tremble in my voice.

“Have you been drinking?”

“Only a couple.” He sighed.

“Has Cone?”


We sit in silence for a couple of minutes as we hear the sound of a siren in the distance.

I get up and enter the bus of doom a.k.a the shit hole a.k.a Sum 41’s tour bus. Benji stays
outside for some reason or another.

Cone is still in the foetal position and looks to be breathing a bit better now, Deryck is sat
on the floor next to him mumbling to himself. Dave is sat on the beanbag once again but this
time he has a cell phone held to his ear, he’s probably talking to someone important telling
them what’s happened. The driver is stood behind the sofa watching everything that is going on
with a watchful eye. I lock eye contact with him.

“The ambulance is nearly here.” I tell him, he nods and retreats back into the front of the bus.

Deryck looks up at me then back down at Cone before getting up and walking passed me to get off
of the bus. What the fuck does he think he’s doing? I follow him.

“Where you going?” I ask angrily.

“Fuck off Steve.” He turns around to face me; Benji stands at his shoulder watching us.

The ambulance pulls up behind our bus cutting our conversation off. Then you turn around and
walk to the paramedics and take them to Cone. Benji lightly grabs hold of my t-shit and pulls me
towards the rail and once again we are sat down on it.

“What’s wrong with Deryck?” Benji asks.

“I dunno, he was alright until Cone told us he was gay. I didn’t know he was homophobic” I smack
my hand over my mouth as I realise my slip up. I swear I’m such a fucking dumb ass. God, Cone’s
going to kill me if he hasn’t died already.

“Cone’s gay?” Benji almost shouts in surprise, He runs his hand through his short black hair.
“Dude, I never would have thought.”

“Don’t tell anybody please! I don’t even know if Cone wants anybody to know yet.”

“Ok, I swear I won’t tell anybody.”

He still has that little shocked look on his face, but I know he won’t say anything about it.
Benji’s like that, you can trust him with anything and he won’t tell anyone.

“Thanks buddy, want to go see what’s going on?” I ask and he nods.

We get up and walk into the bus. Deryck has fucked off somewhere and Dave’s stood over the
paramedics watching as they finished calming Cone.

Cone’s POV

I’m can finally breathe again but my hands are still trembling and I feel really dizzy. I don’t
know what the hell just happened but I never want to have to through that again.

The paramedics are checking me over, making sure I’m all right, asking me questions I don’t know
the answers to.

“Is this helping you breathe better?”

“How are you feeling?”

“Do you hurt anywhere?”

I don’t answer and the female paramedic takes the oxygen mask off of my face and checks my

“Heart beat’s still quite rapid, do you think we should take him in Paul?” She asks the male
paramedic whose face is just out of my line of vision. I don’t really care anyway, I just want
them to leave me alone so I can curl up and die. I pull my knees up to my chest, wrap my arms
around them and then rest my head on them.

“Do you think you can walk?” The lady asks me putting her face close enough to mine that I can
feel her breath on my face. I don’t like it when strangers get so close to my face, I never have


“Mom! Jason won’t leave me alone!” Andrew called to our Mom who was sat on a blanket engrossed
in a book.

I don’t like being by myself, I can’t help myself following sometimes is all but it annoys Andy
something awful. When I’m alone other kids make fun of me ‘cos I can’t talk properly and I
stutter. Andrew usually stands up for me but ever since he turned 15 he’s been trying to ditch me
so he can hang around with his friends.

“Jason, leave your brother alone.” My Mom answered and Andy smirked at me triumphantly before
running off to go play with the older boys.

I sighed and walked off to go play in the sand box by myself, it’s not that bad. There are
hardly any kids my age here, it being Sunday morning. They’re probably all at church, I’m glad I
don’t have to go. It sounds really boring.

Mom had tried to get us out of the house so my Dad could finish getting things ready for my Aunt
who was coming over to stay for a couple of days.

Today was the day I was going to dig to China I had decided. I was doing really well until this
kid came and started digging near me. I guessed he was about a year or two older than me, nine or
so. We didn’t say anything for a while even though I could tell he really wanted to talk to me,
finally he gave in.

“Hi, my name’s Owen. What’s yours? What are you trying to do? Can I help?” He asked me all of
this really quickly and before I could answer him he was digging in my hole.

He stopped a couple of minutes later and looked at me expectantly.

“ So what’s your name? I gave you mine, it’s only fair you give me yours.” He also said this
very quickly and advanced towards me as he spoke. I could feel myself starting to panic a bit; he
was getting too close.

“J-J-Jason.” I answered him. I stumbled backwards and fell over as he got even closer. He leant
down and put his face right in front of mine and grinned at me.

“Hello Jason.” Is all he said and I punched him in the face.

He fell backwards and I stood up, he looked there was blood running down his face from a split
lip. His eyes were filling with tears and I ran, I didn’t know where I was going but still I
carried on. I eventually stopped in front of Andy who was writing his name on one of the park
benches with all his friends watching.

“Dude what the hell is you brother doing here?” One of them asked.

Andrew looked up from his work and frowned at me. He noticed the tears that were running down my

“What happened, squirt?” He asked me.

“I-I was playeding in-in-in the sand box. Boy got to-too c-close ‘nd I hitted ‘im.” I told him
and I put my hands out for a hug like I normally did.

He looked away from me and to his friends.

“Your brother is so dumb. He can’t even speak properly!” Another one of your friends said

“I-I-I’m a re-retard!” Another one of your friends said making me sob.

All the rest of your friends were laughing, you sighed and picked me. I buried my head in your
shoulder and cried some more. I couldn’t believe that people can be so mean; I don’t even know
them. This made me sob harder. I didn’t even notice when you put me in Moms arms like I was a
baby again. I put my arms around her neck and cried myself to sleep.

I was awoken by loud voices about half an hour later.

“Look what your son did to my poor Owen!” A woman’s voice screeched. I buried my head in my
Mom’s shoulder trying to block out the sound.

“Do you mind? He’s asleep!” My Mom hissed.

I could also hear the sound of crying coming from Owen and Andy snickering.

“No I don’t mind! Why should he sleep when my son has to suffer!” There was the annoying loud
voice again. I lifted my head off of my Mom’s shoulder and looked around.

My Mom was stood up on the blanket her book lying forgotten near her handbag; Andy was stood
just off to the right of our Mom. He winked at me when I looked at him. Owen was stood quivering
behind his Mom wiping away tears every now and then, his lip looked really sore and I felt bad.

When my Mom noticed I was awake she put me down and I hid behind her, holding onto her jeans. I
got my first good look at Owen’s Mom. She had long dyed blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail
and a tight fitting top with a skirt on. She had put a lot of make-up on trying to look younger
but it made her look funny instead.

“Is that you Stacey?” My Mom asked when she got her first real glimpse of the woman. She didn’t
look very happy.

“Oh, I knew you looked familiar. You’re Fat Fiona, you’ve lost a lot of weight haven’t you?”
Stacey asked my Mom nastily. I felt my Mom bristle next to me and I tightened my grip on her

“Why don’t you just shut the fuck up? I don’t have to take any shit from you.” My Mom retorted.
That was the first time I’ve heard my Mom say a naughty word.

“And my Owen has to take it from your son?” She asked.

“He’s a lot bigger than Jason! He’s what, 9 0r 10?”

“12 actually.”

My Mum laughed and Andy snorted and started to laugh too. My Mom eventually stopped enough to
say “So my 7 year old son did that to poor little Owen?”

And before I knew what had happened next Owen’s Mom had pounced on mine knocking her over and
onto me. I wriggled free as they fought and I could only watch in amazement as Mom slapped the
other lady in the face, Stacey grabbed Mom’s hair and yanked on it then slapped her on the face.
Andrew quickly broke them up after that. Mom had a huge red mark on her cheek but that was all,
Stacey didn’t look that bad but her make up was ruined and she stormed off with Owen tagging
along behind her.

We left shortly after.

*****End of Flashback*****

We never went back to the park again.

Steve yelling near my ear snapped me from my thoughts.

I jumped and I noticed we weren’t on the bus any more. We were in a hospital room by the looks
of it. There is a nurse in the room checking on the two unconscious people on the two other bed
in the room. Steve was stood next to my bed and Dave was sat in a chair on the other side of my
bed. Deryck was nowhere to be seen.

“You had us worried. You’ve been staring into space for the past hour. Where have you been?”
Dave asked me before Stevo could open his mouth again. “I’m mean, you’ve never been gone that

They were used to me going into my own little world, it pissed them off something awful at first
but they eventually got used to it.

“I was thinking back to when I was seven and my Mom got in a fist fight at the park.” I told

They both burst out laughing. I smiled weakly; I suppose it was funny. I mean usually my Mom is
the most calmest and patient person you could ever imagine. The idea of her getting into a fight
must seem ludicrous. Wow big word. I bet I’ll never use it again.

“Where’s Deryck?” I asked them once they stopped laughing.

“He’s staying on GC’s bus tonight, said he wants to think. We need to talk anyway.” Steve told

I looked at him. He has his serious face on, God he must hate me too. He only uses that face
when something bad had happened or is going to happen. I sneak a glance at Dave and his
expression is exactly the same.

I lie down in my bed and quickly put the pillow that had been supporting my back over my face.
I don’t want to be kicked out of the band; I don’t want to see the hatred on their faces or hear
their words that could mean my whole future.

I want to disappear into my own world again but I can’t do it. My head’s not working properly.

I feel someone tug at the pillow, it’s probably Steve, I just tighten my grip.

“C’mon Cone. We just want to talk.” Dave says.

I glance out from under my pillow at them and mumble “You’re going to kick me out of the band
aren’t you?”

It’s a bit muffled but I can tell they heard it by the looks of surprise on their faces. They
look at each other then burst out laughing once again.

I sit up a bit and put the pillow back where it was originally. I smile sheepishly at them and
fiddle with the thin blanket that is covering me. They stopped laughing and Stevo gets onto my
bed and sits crossed legged at the end of it. I move over as far as I can to one side without
falling off and pat the space next to me. Dave catches my drift and gets up onto the bed and lay
next to me, his feet in Stevo’s lap.

“Anyway we just want to know some stuff like-” Dave started.

“How long have you known you’re gay?” Steve asks me.

I shrug, I honestly don’t know. Girls have never been my thing ever since I was about 15 but I
had girlfriends to make me feel normal, I never felt anything for them.

The nurse who was had just finished examining the other patients came up to my bed she dropped
the clipboard she was carrying and gasped.

“You’re them guys from Sum 41!” She exclaimed. “My daughter loves your music, she’ll be
hysterical when I tell her about this. You’re her favourite” She nodded her head at me. “Too bad
your gay, her father hates gays.”

She stopped for a breath and was just about to start talking again as she bent down and picked
up her clipboard when I said “Don’t tell anybody about this please.”

She nodded her head carelessly and carried on talking like she hadn’t heard.

“She’s going to see you guys at the warped tour in a couple of days, she’s so excited. It’s her
going to be the first time she’s been. Her Dad and her cousins are going too. Will you guys sign
something for her please before you go?”

We nod; dumbfounded. She talks so fast we can hardly understand a thing she is saying.

“When can Cone be released?” Dave asked.

“Tomorrow morning, we just want to monitor him overnight to make sure he is ok.” She said.

I nod. Thank God I don’t have to stay in here any longer than that. It’s our day off tomorrow
then we have to play one show the next day then we have two days off which is pretty cool if you
ask me. No one did though, ah well.

We all sign the paper for the nurse before she leaves, I could tell she was going to tell
everyone she knew about what she heard. She looked like the gossiper type, I knew a friends once

Steve’s pov

Dave and me shared a glance before I lean up to Cone and smack him around the head. He starts
and has this bewildered look on his face.

“What was that for, fuckstick?” Cone asked, rubbing his head.

“You were going off into Cone’s world again. We wanted to talk before we have to leave.” Dave
said and I nod.

“You’re leaving?” He asked us.

I nearly laugh; he hates being by himself, I have no idea why and I’ve never thought to ask him.
I think he’s told Deryck though, he tells Deryck everything, I don’t know why but he does.

Second one:
I glanced at you from across the crowded room and I felt my heart stop, you were making out with
someone else other than me. I suppose you just don’t love me anymore either that or you’re too
out of it to even comprehend the person you’re kissing isn’t me. Your boyfriend of three months.
We never told anybody because you didn’t want people to know; you said they wouldn’t accept us.

I look away and stare at the half empty beer bottle in my hands. I don’t even know why I came to
this party I don’t want to get drunk or high. Tonight I just wanted to curl up in my bunk and go
to sleep but thanks to you I’m here with a newly broken heart. Yeah, thanks Babe.

The next day I tried to talk to you calmly about it to you before the show and instead we got
into a huge fight. You broke up with me. I asked you if I meant anything to you and you answered
no and stormed away. I was heartbroken to say the least.

I couldn’t function properly without you but I knew we had to finish the tour before I gave up.
You weren’t worried when I stopped eating, sleeping and speaking all you were worried about was
when you were next going to get some beer or weed.

The other two were worried though. They up a timetable to watch me in between the three of you
and you decided to play along. Welcome to my life, I hope you’re enlightened.

“So, what do you want to do?” Dave asked me after finally getting fed up of the silence we were
encased in.

I shrugged, I didn’t want to do anything apart from think and wallow in self-pity. He sighed.

“You know, you’re going to collapse if you don’t start sleeping and eating.” He told me and I
shrugged again.

I wasn’t hungry nor was I tired. Even if I did want to sleep I wouldn’t be able to, every time I
close my eyes I see you and her. And every other girl I’ve seen you making out with since we
broke up, nice to know I’m remembered.

Maybe our relationship didn’t mean anything; perhaps it was just a really long fling. You treat
it like that, like you had never whispered in my ear that you loved me. Or that you’d die
without me.

You were asleep in your bunk as Deryck was in his. I wonder if you’re dreaming about me.
Probably not.

“Do you want to talk about what got you so depressed?” That broke me out of my thoughts. Did I?

Maybe I’d feel better, but what would you say when everyone found out about our relationship?
Dave wouldn’t tell though, would he?

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn’t, I really tried. Dave moved from the chair
across the room to the sofa next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I tensed; no one was allowed to touch me because I belonged to you. You had told me so one night
after we had made love, the thought of that night made tears well up in my eyes.

“No.” It came out kind of strangled and hoarse as I tried to stop myself from sobbing.

Dave quickly withdrew his arm and looked hurt before a soft smile played on his features.

“That’s the first step, Babe. You just have to keep on going.” He told me and I shook my head
mutely. Did he just call me Babe?

“Tell me what’s wrong and I swear I won’t tell the other two.” He sounded so sincere I couldn’t
help it. After three weeks of not speaking I had to ruin it tonight, I suppose I am worthless.
Thanks for telling me.

I told him everything. About our first kiss and the moment we realised we had feelings for each
other right up until we broke up.

It took a while but eventually everything was off of my chest and I burst into tears, it was
then I noticed Deryck. He had been sat on the chair that Dave had occupied earlier; he must have
heard everything. I hadn’t noticed because I had been staring at my hands the whole time.

I buried my head into a cushion and sobbed while Deryck and Dave talked, I could barely hear

“How long have you been here?” Obviously Dave hadn’t noticed Deryck enter either.

“Long enough, how could we have not noticed them?” Asked Deryck.

“They hid it pretty well but I suppose everything makes sense now. Why they wanted to share
rooms whenever we stopped in a hotel. How could we have been so dumb!”

“Three months together, how could he throw it all away like it meant nothing?”

It was around 8am when I finally stopped crying and I remembered it was our day off today. We
were going to spend tonight in a hotel instead of the tour bus; I was looking forward to a real
bed that I could lay on and daydream about better times. Even if I had to put up with one of you
three watching to make sure I didn’t do anything stupid.

I couldn’t even go into the bathroom without whoever was on duty standing at the door listening
unless it was you of course, you didn’t give a fuck. You slept your duties off and I spent them
watching you.

Deryck kneeling in front of me and grabbing my hands made me jump. When the hell had he moved?

“Jason,” He started “Me and Dave will sort everything out but you have to promise me one thing.”
He paused and I met his eyes. “Promise me that whatever happens you’ll come and talk to either me
and Dave. Or preferably both of us. Just please don’t hurt yourself.”

I nodded and he let go of my hands, Dave pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me.
I didn’t put up a fight this time.

“I-we love you more than anything. Always remember that.” Dave whispered into my ear making me

I noticed his slip up though but I didn’t say anything. He couldn’t mean anything about it, just
a slip of the tongue.

You then entered the room in only your boxers, you scratched your stomach lazily and yawned.

“Good Morning.” He said as if everything was alright, as if he had never broke my heart.

A/N: That's both of them and I've just realised I have so many more that I need to finish. I may post some if I don't feel like finishing them, if anyone is interested in finisheing them off.
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