Anyway. :)
Happy Birthday Coley! And Happy Birthday Aggie! (Tuesday) and Happy Birthday Last Wenesday Meagan! lol.
It's been a good couple of weeks, seeing Twelth Night acted out in an outdoor theater was so freaking cool. I had never read it or anything, but it was so funny! Shakespeare really had a sense of humor. It was really cool too. And I liked shopping in Galena, but it was so expensive!
Lol. We went to Wisconsin, so there was cow stuff everywhere, I got pictures, I can't wait to get em developed. Then I came home, was home half an hour, and went out to the Church until like 10. I was at Darek's birthday party (he liked my present, I was happy, lol) then Hallujah night practice (I am Clown Orange. lol. I'm an orange clown fish that swims around underneath a black light for a play-like thing to a song) then I watched The Passion at UTURNED. Kinda stinks, I missed Sunday morning service, so like, I didn't have any praise and worship until yesterday, but eh.
OMGOSH! Guess what! Boon got saved yesterday! Dave preached on like Ignorance is no excuse, so just because you "didn't know" doesn't mean you'll be judged differently or anything, and he got saved! But the altar call is always right before worship, and I got up in the front, so I didn't notice him going back or anything, but then I walked into Western Civ and Darek beckoned me, so I went over, and he says really quietly, "Hey, did you know Boon got saved last night?" I about went nuts! I wanted to hug somebody so bad! I was like, No way! That is soo cool, that just made my day! and Darek says, "That just made my next ten years!" I was soo happy, I was grinning like an idiot, then I got to lunch, and Boon was like, "did Megan hear the good news" and I like yelled at him (not really, but I was talking really loud cuz I was so excited.) I want to run around like an idiot hugging Darek and Amanda and Boon. Squee!!
Aside from that very very good news, I have a job application. Teehee. I have to find two more references before I can turn it in, but I'm gonna ask Mrs. Green and Mr. Stence. I hope they'll be my references. It's from Monday through Friday, 3:30-6:30, at either Lincoln (my old elementary school) or Richardson, which is way out of the way, so I hope to get Lincoln, because I have no transportation. And it's only three hours a day. So it's all good. Or like 2.5 hours, something like that. Answering phones and doing junk like that. And I need the money really bad, cuz I have to save up for Christmas. So far I've got $2 for like.. 6ish people. no. like 7 people. hm. yeah.
Anyway, I'm gonna put some writings I was thinking about yesterday.. I just didn't have to time to actually put them in here.
Suicide is never the answer. It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I don't care how bad you THINK your life is, it's never as bad as you may think. You don't need drugs or alcohol to make your life better, they bring you up for a very very short amount of time and then you crash harder than what you were before. I don't care if you think they'll make your life better, they won't. I don't care if you think you're going to Heaven when you die, and you commit Suicide, most people aren't going to. You're damning yourself to Hell for all of Eternity because you "believe" in God, but don't live your life for him, and don't do any towards acting like he sent his Son down to die on the cross for your sins and mine. If you think Suicide is going to solve your problems, you're wrong. Stop being so inclusive. Cry out for help. No one will think less of you.. your friends want to help you, no matter what your mind makes up.
But most importantly, I wanted to share with you the ultimate solution. You know that sad feeling you always have in your heart? Like your alone, even if your in a room full of "friends" That feeling that you're not really loved, that no one truly cares for you, that feeling that your never satisified, that things will never get better? Do you know what's missing in your life? God's missing. And he's left a huge hole in your heart because you turned him away, or haven't even been exposed to him yet. I don't care if you think I'm crazy, or if you think I'm wrong. This is going to sound arrogant, but I'm just spreading the message -- Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one gets to Heaven but through him. I know from personal experience and experiences of others that I am right.
That the stuff I'm talking about, isn't something I've just made up. I've experienced the love of God, and I continue to experience it everyday of my life. Acceping Jesus as your Saviour, and coming into a personal relationship with God is only good. Nothing bad can ever come from it. Not only are their rewards on Earth, but you get to spend ETERNITY with your father in Heaven, surrounded by the most pure love that is so beyound our comprehension. God knew you before he even made you. He knows your heart, and he knows your deepest needs. And as much as I, or any other believer try to talk to you and talk to you, and present you with facts that Jesus Christ was infact the Messiah, the point is that you won't care, not until you experience something real from God for yourself. I just pray that you're open to it and God grabs you before it's too late. Because as much as I want to see people come into a relationship with God, he wants it so much more, because he knows what its like on Earth. That's why he sent His Son. His love is so pure. It's nothing like human love which seems flawed and wrong sometimes. The love we experience with humans is so holed compared to His love.
Look. Suicide isn't the answer. I just wanted to tell you that. Even if you think there isn't someone out there who cares for you, just remember, God does, and he's just waiting for you to accept Him into your life so he can change it for so much better.
Here's another writing..
Who do you think you are? Dressing like that, showing off everything you can, and still be legal? Do you think you have to look like that to get attention from the opposite sex? Do you think the kind of attention you're getting is what you really want, deep down? That attention -- the kind that guys give you because of what they CAN see physically, and not what's in your heart and mind. When was the last time a guy truly looked you in the face? When was the last time you were able to be the true you -- not the giggling idiot who has to have attention to feel normal?
If you think about it.. is that really the kind of attention you want? Is that the kind of relationship you think you'll want for the rest of your life? Where it's all about the physical and not the mental or emotional?
The kind of people you date.. are they the kind of person you want to marry? Why not? When you do the things you do with your boyfriend, do you ever think of your future husband? Do you ever wonder what they'll think of you, when they find out you've already giving away your virginity? When they find out you lived an unpure life, and then expect to enter into Holy Matrimony? How good do you think you'll feel if you find out that you gave yourself away at the age of what? 14/15? And that your husband saved himself for you, because he valued his future wife so much, that before he even KNEW her, he was commited to remaining pure for her, to make their marriage better.
If you think about it.. why do you really need to date? If you think about it, at the age of 14-16, from the big picture, we're really young. Don't you think we're too young to get our hearts broken over and over again because you think you have to fill an empty void in your heart by acting stupid and bimboish and flirting with every guy you meet? When was the last time you enjoyed a true friendship with a guy with out having alterior motives? Do you know how much your missing out on just looking to guys for relationships and not for friendships? When was the last time you had a guy that was as close to you as a brother? When you felt safe in his arms, not because you were dating, but because you knew he was a brother to you and would protect you because he loved you as a sister.
When was the last time you had a relationship that was pure? Where all you (and your boyfriend wanted) was love.. nothing sexual, and that every hand-hold, every kiss, and every hug truly meant something? That your kisses quickly got meaningless so you had to move onto the next "big thing" When was the last time you and your boyfriend were commited to remaining sexually pure? When was the last time you set boundries before your boyfriend? When was the last time YOU were commited to being sexually pure?
When was the last time you got the respect from a guy that you really deserve?
How often do you think about having a relationship with a guy, anyway? Does it consume your life? Why? Why aren't you content with being single? I'm telling you right now, you don't need a guy to make you happy. You don't always have to have a boyfriend. You'll get so much more out of life when you stop looking at every guy as a potential boyfriend and start looking at them as potential friends. You don't need a boyfriend. All you have to do is be yourself, and I mean the real you, and the guy that will respect you enough to want to be commited to you, and only you, commited to sexual purity, and willing to take things slow will come to you. Patience is important. When the guy who is going to be the guy you marry, comes, you'll know it. He'll most likely be your friend first. And he will love you for your mind, and your heart, and not your body.