(no subject)

Jan 26, 2007 02:36

Alright, so tonight when I was at work this couple (a woman and a man) in their late thirties comes into the store.  Now, its most likely about 9pm, although this is certainly just a guess.  They are driving a clean back SUV that is parked outside of the store and are certainly dressed nicely.  After the woman that I'm working with (who I certainly like although don't know very well) rings them thorugh she goes to the back leaving me to make their pitas. 
After they're done getting their pitas made by me, the woman leans over the counter and says something to the effect of:

"What way is there to lodge a complaint about Suzie Q over there" pointing to the back of the store with her head.
Me:  pardon me?
Woman:  I really think that attitude is unessessary, I mean come on.
Me:  Well, I guess that you could call the manager tommorow if you wanted...
Woman:  Yeah, I really don't know how you work with that.
Me:  Uh, well, its not her fault.  Shes been sick and shes tired.
Woman: I don' t know how you do it. 
me:  I only have an hour left on my shift.

At this point the woman hands me a two dollar coin, and says:
This is for you.  We don't want to reward her.

At which point they left and climbed back into the SUV.

For reasons a little beyond my control, this has bothered me all night.  I've broken this down into three seperate issues:

1)  I don't want my co-worker to get into trouble, although I don't think she will.  I don't even know what she did.  I know that there was some confusion around the order, so maybe there was something about that?  Maybe she sighed?  I don't know.  I think I will tell Shawn tommorow on the off chance that they actually do call.

2)  Is this person/these peoples lives so empty that they would actually call and complain and/or actually be upset that the woman at pita pit was maybe a bit rude to them? I mean, come on.  We are paid close to minimum wage to make pita sandwiches.  Do they actually have this time on their hands?  Maybe they view this as their way of making the world a better place since obviously they have no regard for issues of actual social concern such as class or even the environment.  I seriously think people like this should be forced to work at McDonald's, $8/hour, for a couple of months and notice the manner in which their life shifts.

3)  My own reaction was less then stellar.  After they left I thought of clever things I could have said to them.  Some of them included guilt inducing lies such as "she just found out her Mom died but had to work this shift in order to have enough money to get a bus ticket to go to the funeral".  Also, I can't believe I said something about only having an hour left on my shift.  I'm such a cog.  Instead the only thing I did was put the tip into the tip jar (instead of keeping it for myself like the woman wanted... that was really showing her) and not say anything to my co-worker so she wouldn't be upset.

Anyway, I'm having huge troubles sleeping right now (I went to bed before midnight) and have a sore throat.  I hope I'm not getting a cold.

On the upside, my friend Sylvia saw me on the bus today after work and told me I looked very beautiful and it may have gone to my head. 
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