Why livejournal? Why not?

Jul 19, 2008 17:01

I've never had a livejournal, and I don't really know what made me want to start one after a few years of reading others' journals. But, here I am. For now I'll just write about whatever I'm Twilighting at the moment.

I got into Twilight because one of my crazy friends told me to read it. It is probably one of the worst written fully formed books I've ever read. But I am (how does it go?) unconditionally and irrevocably in love with it. I never knew the true definition of a Mary Sue (I've been livejournal lurking for a while) until I read Twilight and this (still working on html codes) and found out that Bella was all of that and more.

While reading Twilight I could have made a list of horrible things in Twilight: reasons why I hated Bella, reasons why Edward is so totally on crack, reasons why the book is so totally on crack etc.

But yes... I'm in love with everything about it! I'm really excited for Breaking Dawn that it's not even... funny. Oh yes! I've just become Twilights #1 fan (even beating whomever happens to be reading this) and I'm seriously not kidding. It involves a few hours of insanity, some metal wire, paint and lots of other odds and ends. More on that later.

Now I just have to learn how to make LJ cuts. *excitement*


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