-Plot! / Story!

Jul 19, 2008 16:55

Ok, so plotting. First you need to know the storyline, yes? (:

The entire game is in an AU. And for all of you who don't know (like I didn't. `xDDD), that means that the game is set in an alternative universe. Which means that you can play your character in almost any way you want. And I say almost any way because we don't want them to get TOO out of character. For example, if you're playing Gackt, he wouldn't go running in the sun, laughing and smiling, yes? o:? I'm not exactly sure since I don't know Gackt really, but you get the idea, yes? `x]

Anyway, the game is set your characters country. For example, if you're playing Nishikido Ryo, he'd be in Japan and so on. However, we're going to say for promotional purposes, he can be in Korea if you want him to interact with a Korean character. But please say so. Like: "Ryo couldn't believe that Johnny-san made him go all the way to Taiwan by himself to do more work." Etc. AND SINCE THIS IS AU, YOU CAN PRETEND YOUR CHARACTER KNOWS CHINESE OR KOREAN OR JAPANESE OR THAI OR WHATEVER.

Anyway, the storyline is that your character is a host or a civilian. Hosts have a level of hierarchy. If your character is a host, then they basically work under a company (Japan will be Johnnys, Korea SM, etc), and work diligently in a host club, trying to rise in rank or not if they choose. And civilians are basically the people who live around the area in which the hosts are working. They could be friends, or people who want to become hosts, or people who just happen to go into a host club and meet one. But the civilian has to be related to the host theme in some way.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Us. Yes. `:3


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