
Feb 02, 2008 10:04

→ Please check the taken/reserved characters list before applying.
→ Your reservation lasts up to 2 weeks, after that they're up for anyone. Go ahead and reapply, though.
→ 8 character limit; one boy per band. (So you could claim Massu from NewS and Junsu from DBSK, but you can't claim Yamapi and Jaejoong, too.)
NOTE: Characters in more than one band, such as Nishikido Ryo and Uchi Hiroki, count for both bands; so if you claim Ryo from NewS and Kanjani8, you can't claim anyone else from those two bands.
→ On that note, actors are allowed, as well as girls. Same rules apply for girls; no claiming Sun Mi and Park Ye Eun.
→ Host age limit is 16, civilian age limit is 14.
→ It would be preferable if you made only one livejournal for your characters. Since the limit is only 8 characters, the free/basic LJ account would have enough icon space for each of your characters. You could make a separate account for each of your persons, but it would be nice to keep everything in one place. And you can make new tags to show which character is writing in the journal! `:3 ((You can either have separate accounts or one account that holds all your characters))
→ STAY IN CHARACTER. It's fine to bend this once and a while, we all do it, but please, unless it's in keeping with your character's development over time, don't go too crazy. (Unless your character is legitimately insane, in which case, have a ball.)

→ Please fill out appropriate log headers when posting logs in the main comm; see here for details.
→ All log entries should be written in third person past tense. All journal entries should be written as if your character is keeping an actual livejournal.
→ Try to use correct grammar and spelling- everyone makes mistakes, but try to make logs readable.
→ Make sure the other mun in question knows about it before you post a log. ^^;
→ All NC-17 logs must be locked, no matter what. Anything goes, really, but please put correct warnings on your logs. We don't want anyone getting needlessly scandalized. (:

→ No godmodding. At all. Godmodding is controlling another mun's character; for instance, if you're logging a fight between character A and character B, it's fine to say A swung his fist at B's jaw, leaving it up to character B's mun to decide the level of impact. It's not okay to say A swung his fist at B's jaw, smashing him against the cardboard boxes and giving him a concussion. Do it and you're banned.
→ Keep OOC drama out of the game. What happens in the game stays in the game, and vice versa. Contact the mods if you've got a problem.

→ Be active! Try to show up at least once every 2 weeks, and post a hiatus notice in the comm if you need to take a break. Sweeps will be made at the end of the month, and you'll be contacted for inactivity. After that, your character will be up for grabs to anyone who wants them; feel free to reapply, though.

If you have any problems or questions, ask a mod! ♥


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