
Feb 22, 2005 11:37

I am absolutely loving it here. i'm very sorry to all of you that I haven't been writing real entries (only field notes). I've just been everywhere and .. well I shouldn't say busy cause i'm not busy.. but i've been experiencing boston as best I can without being cooped up in this apartment.

UM... the update.. or as much as I can give-- Melissa and Rob I miss you dearly. Tell Phil I said hello and I miss him too.. I miss our Netflix nights and getting drunk w/ you guys.. and my boyfriend wants to get a kitten so I keep thinking about Buddy which makes me miss Melissa even more and more.. I keep remember all our memories with Buddy Boy at the Farm HOuse == like seeing him looking out your window when we were outside having a smoke.. or watching him play with all your paper shreds on the floor in your room.. etc etc. He was a great cat. SIGH>
guess what, meliss, my boyfriend's name is rob, too!!! I think i will try to put a picture in here.. but I don't remember how (Anybody...please reply with instructions if I don't get a picture up any time soon-- because that means I'm stupid). Rob lives in Brighten (right outside of boston and literally down the road from me). He graduated UMass Amherst last year and works at a pharmacy now. He's thinking about becoming a pharmacist but has issues with the REASONS people go to pharmacy school (most people only become pharmacists for the money... he doesn't think money is the most importatnt thing to worry about. ) He's moving to Montana in August (sad face) with his brother, brother's girlfriend, and cousin. They basically are going there to ski/rock climb. I think he wants to die an early death by falling off a mountain. ah well.

My internship is absolutely fabulous. If you cant' tell by my field notes.. I have soo much fun there. I have really learned alot there. I hate using the word "retarded" but I might be getting used to it. It's funny cause I finally got comfortable saying it to people,, then yesterday I was watching a movie with Duffy (one of rob's roommates) and he asked me what I was doing .. and I said "oh i work with retarded people" and Duffy got REALLY bothered by it. Turns out his mother works with people with developmental disabilities and he grew up learning not to say that word. FIGURES. I told him that I NEVER used that word.. but I was getting desensitized and I was really sorry but most people always ask me what "developmental disabilities" are. So i just say "retarded" and it just eliminates all question. FIGURES that the one time I said it.. it would be to someone who also hates that word.

GTG shower. more soon. maybe a picture. hehee. MUAH! Missing Geneva.. see you all in May for Graduation.
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