Just taking a break from studying...I have a test on linear equations tommorrow...which pretty much sucks because I don't understand a thing. Well, i understand substitution. Graphing not so much, same with elimination. And don't even get me started on word problems.
It's okay though, because I found trig totally easy so my math average is like 84...so even if I fail this test I won't be failing math. But still, I'd like to pass.
God, I hate math. So much.
So, to take my mind off equations for a little while I wrote a death note drabble. 155 words, baby.
He had tried to be brave; he had tried to not fear death. But when it came he could hear his own cries and taste his own tears. It made him sick, to think that he would break down like that when faced with death.
Don’t think that the one who uses the death note can go to heaven or hell.
He had been curious, but it had only afforded him a moment’s thought. He didn’t have time to think about his own death anyway. He was the one holding the world in his hand, he was in control. He was in power.
But after death all he saw was blackness and all he tasted was ashes, blood and tears dried up in his throat.
Nothing after death, there was nothing for him. He was alone, and he wished for hell.
He wasn’t lucky enough, in the end. Even he couldn’t save himself from nothing.
thanks for reading!