May 01, 2005 19:01
*Having an unplanned sleepover lying next to my most favorite people = the best thing ever!
Missy~"What movie did u see?" "umm i dont remember" 5 mins later "missy what movie did u see.....Repeated atleast 5 times HAHA im sooo glad u changed ur mind and came over...I Love you!! BESTFRIENDS + Blood SISTAS fo life!"
Beth~ My little penguin/ ompa loompa.....Hows ur butt? lol that was sooo funny. Everything will be ok it just takes time. REMEMBER im always here for you." I thought i was typing straight...well it sure looked like it" haha I LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER BESTFRIENDS FOR THE E-IZZLE
Dylan~ Yesterday was amazing...spending the whole day with you shopping snd just being with you. Falling asleep into ur arms and being next to two of ur bestfriends is seriousy the best thing ever!!! Even today was fun...just lying there in my bed with all of us just talking and singing.I Love you sooo much baby! <3 xoxo
Korey~ even with the 5 minutes that i saw you made my day 1065465 times better! I LOVE YOU KoReY! BESTFRIENDSFOREVER "Bend ova and look like deer biotch"