Proper (well, better than mine which was all camwhoring anyway) London Expo con report go
here (y)
This post is all Luke camwhoring, mainly to show
onisaka xD;; I didn't get to walk around much AND forgot to bring my camera on Sunday so I missed out on a lot of excellent cosplay, like that Joui/Shiroyasha Gintama group... I'll make a proper art post afterwards.
edohsama and I swapped costumes over the weekend so I was Little Luke on Saturday and Big Luke on Sunday... but we both forgot to bring cameras on Sunday OTL
1) Testing out the costume:
big luke and tiny professor. 8D
edohsama's house is super old-school Victorian with blown glass windowpanes and everything so I'm hoping we can do a proper photo camwhore shoot when we're both less busy owo
2) Booth pictures. Most of these were taken by friends and a lot of them were taken when I was unaware of what was going on lol.
Look at
firnheledien's fauxhawk :D!!
i.. don't know why that expression is on my face lol stomachache??
this is slightly better
more Firn!
3) and from the few times I got to wander round the Expo:
Super shiny picture taken by
Paul Jacques that's pretty much the duplicate of the one above, only with costumes switched.
These are about the only two pics I have of myself as Big Luke =o
I feel an urge to fanart Layton now -w-