Oct 22, 2009 13:39
Help me fannish friends. You're my only hope!
I have to do a presentation in my class tonight about Henry Jenkins' Convergence Culture, and I wanted to talk a little about Jenkins' role as a fandom scholar, as a potentially divisive figure, how his work has evolved, etc. And I am trying-- believe me when I say I have searched the Internets far and wide-- for that quote from Textual Poachers that half of fandom has posted on their blogs. Only, of course, the one time I actually need it is the one time I can't find it anywhere.
Help me! What is the quote from Textual Poachers everyone loves? You know, the one about how fans are creating a folk tradition in a time where the folk tales are all owned by corporations, or some shit. What exactly does he say there?
Thanks, love, kisses, &c.