Ghouls Night Out

Nov 01, 2007 17:39

Halloween was fun.

Click for pics and stories

So Friday the idea was to dress up into our fancy dress outfits and hit the town. The number of people willing to make the effort for fancy dress without being too embarassed or something sadly only amounted to 4, but it was fun nevertheless. First we all went round to mine for make up and picture time.

mat, suse, ky and me

Me and Mat even tried out best zombie impressions, however Mat seemed to confuse zombie with a actor in a Cats musical.

So, we went out, met an overweight bald man who shook our hands and exclaimed that he had come as Jimmy the Scouser and Kyle tried to make me look creepy in the tram stop reflection.

The Corp itself was pretty good, although there only seemed to be us, the staff and a man dressed like Edward Scissorhands who kept taking pictures who were actually in fancy dress. Towards the end I got bored and went to the little room which is thrash music a lot of the time, but it was playing some great stuff. Stiff Little Fingers, Choking Victim, Rancid, Clash and I joined the mini pit that was going. However my friends not really liking the same music (as much as Mat likes to pretend he does) got bored and decided they were going (partly unable to bear the stench of the guy with the Crass vest on, which is understandable, he stank), then a few songs came on I didnt know so I decided to leave and see if I could catch them, luckily their taxi was just setting off and they yelled at the taxi driver to stop, as he did.
However unfortunately due to Mats awful awful directing taxi driver skills and inability of listening to me, my house was completely missed off the stops and I had to walk 2 miles home, but hey a good night was had by all.

Sunday Eleanor came down form Leeds and we went to the big fright night in the city centre. It was a good atmosphere and the whole city centre had been turned into a giant fairground. It was absoloutely packed though and the market stalls were a bit of a let down but I'm glad I went. Some (I assume) Japanese people wanted their photo taken with me coz my costume was fantastico, so I obliged. Not got many pictures from the fright night but heres an example.

So Wednesday was actual Halloween. Kathryn had a party that turned into a small gathering because all her friends are useless, so everyone there was more a friend of Dave. However she did loads of food and there was a chocolate fountain and a candy floss machine. I brought my spare costumes for people to dress up in, however I was pretty ill all night so I didnt move/do or say much. I just sat watching zombie movies then joined in on the game of mario party. It was like a little kids party with the food, costumes and kids games which was fun, plus I really wasnt well enough for anything more intense than that.

Oooo I also carved a pumpkin the night before and took him round. His name is giggles.

I burnt my finger lighting him :(

I'm sure more than that happened over the halloweeny period but Im bored of typing.

Hope everyone had a great All Hallows!

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