Jun 24, 2011 15:36
Recently I have made a terrible realization. I dont take enough....make that hardly ANY pictures.
When Ryder was born we were the paparazzi. Now, I wonder if Lucy even has 100 pictures.
So, I thought something that might help me take more pictures is to start a new blog. Thats right, for the first time in my life I am considering doing the normal thing and trekking on over to blogspot.
I will for sure still have this one, since I use it as a place to release frustration. But the new blog will be a (mainly) happy place. Dont worry though. Im not going to have the new one as a front for my life and never have any "keeping it real" kinda posts.
But this will defenitly help me to remember to bring my camera places and document what we do. And I might throw in a craft or two. I dunno. Also, I am hoping that this will be a way to generate traffic to the Etsy shop.
OK, thats the update on my life for now :)