Aug 04, 2005 22:02
Well, I finally got up and got to the DPS this morning. I woke up at seven a.m. just so I could get there and actually get in. I wait in line for half an hour until the doors open, and then a ton of people just rush to the front to shove their way in. Completely obnoxious. I hate people like that. Anyways, they open the doors, and ten minutes later, when I'm finally at the front of the line, they inform everybody that they're completely booked. Super crowded. And then they decided they could fit in two more people. Huzzah for me. So, I get a time slot at four. I go home, and can't get back to sleep, so I just stay up.
At around three thirty, I head over there. They tell me to pull around back and wait until the instructor arrives and I can take my road test. So I do. So I wait a few minutes, and four rolls around, and there's still no instructor. I figure they're running a little late, so I wait a little longer. Finally, after about fifteen minutes, this DPS officer comes out. She proceeds to explain to me that the one instructor that they had was gone, having had an emergency of some sort, family or whatever. So she tells me she can test me...And I'm okay with this, and then she proceeds to tell me that my car isn't legal because the license plate is in the front and not the back. My car doesn't even have a place for the license plate in the front. Needless to say, I am irritated. And on top of this, Dad took the insurance papers out of the car when he'd gotten out earlier. So the officer just tells us we can't take the test.
Now if she had cited that as a reason to not give me my test, I'd have been cool. But her reason was the license plate. And she wouldn't even garuntee us a spot tommorow. She said she didn't even know if there was going to be an instructor tommorow. So, we have to get up at six in the fucking morning to wait in line, without even knowing whether or not we're going to have an instructor to even give the test.
And then, once all that hassle and fuss over nothing was done, I had to go to work for four hours and deal with pissy customers in a crowded grocery store, part of which included waiting hand and foot on a woman who was so completely overweight that she had to drive around in a damn scooter because she couldn't walk very far. Of course, this didn't keep her from buying three bundles of icecream sandwhiches. I hate people. Anyways, I am cranky and tired, and thus, I am going to bed now.