starships are meant to fly

Feb 28, 2012 11:43

Time for the weekly round-up. Who's excited?! ... Yeah, I thought so.

So things. Teaching is... teaching, which is all I will say about that. Spring Break is next week though, which means a break from the teaching and that is very exciting. Today in lab we dissected a starfish and a regular fish. I heard someone mention in the back that the starfish "doesn't look anything like Patrick". Also, watching 19 students attempt to dissect a fish is surprisingly funny.

The SPN train rolls on. The season 5 finale may have destroyed me for like... an hour. I didn't realize I had SO MANY FEELINGS, but then everything happened and I am suddenly crying at my laptop screen. Urm, yes. Dean remains my favorite. Sam without a soul is somehow more tolerable than normal Sam. And I continue to be amused by/adore Crowley despite the show's best efforts to make me dislike him. He just wants to expand hell, okay. (I apparently have a lot of fun with characters who are unrepentantly on their own side - Pottermore was right to put me in Slytherin).

Uh... what else am I paying attention to now? There is that CBS Sherlock thing, which... has caused a lot of rage. The current update being that Lucy Liu is going to be Watson - as a failed doctor, now assistant? I remain skeptical, but am mostly amused by all the anger. I don't agree with most of the changes, but so much of tv is derivative of Sherlock and right now I am looking at it as more of the same... just much more literally? *shrug*

BUT REALLY I AM JUST EXCITED BECAUSE OH MY GOD STAR TREK IS A THING THAT IS HAPPENING. First there were all those pics of ZQ and Benedict and Zoe. And now there is THIS VIDEO of fight choreography and dsnalkg;sdajld. Hi, I am very excited. I am going to eat up every damn spoiler we get.

Timeless is going to be delivered to my kindle tomorrow AND I CAN'T WAIT TO READ. Professor Lyall! Alexia! EVERYONE! YAY!

In other news, I am trying to bento again because I am spending too much money on buying lunch lately. I am an adult!

The last episode was so good. And this week's preview looks amazing. CAPTAIN RENARD PLEASE TELL ME ALL YOUR SECRETS.

teaching is srs bsns, fandom is going to eat me, benneton crumblymats, zq, dean winchester appreciation, i am not an adult

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