Time for the weekly round-up. Who's excited?! ... Yeah, I thought so.
So things. Teaching is... teaching, which is all I will say about that. Spring Break is next week though, which means a break from the teaching and that is very exciting. Today in lab we dissected a starfish and a regular fish. I heard someone mention in the back that the starfish "doesn't look anything like Patrick". Also, watching 19 students attempt to dissect a fish is surprisingly funny.
The SPN train rolls on. The season 5 finale may have destroyed me for like... an hour. I didn't realize I had SO MANY FEELINGS, but then everything happened and I am suddenly crying at my laptop screen. Urm, yes. Dean remains my favorite. Sam without a soul is somehow more tolerable than normal Sam. And I continue to be amused by/adore Crowley despite the show's best efforts to make me dislike him. He just wants to expand hell, okay. (I apparently have a lot of fun with characters who are unrepentantly on their own side - Pottermore was right to put me in Slytherin).
Uh... what else am I paying attention to now? There is that CBS Sherlock thing, which... has caused a lot of rage. The current update being that Lucy Liu is going to be Watson - as a failed doctor, now assistant? I remain skeptical, but am mostly amused by all the anger. I don't agree with most of the changes, but so much of tv is derivative of Sherlock and right now I am looking at it as more of the same... just much more literally? *shrug*
BUT REALLY I AM JUST EXCITED BECAUSE OH MY GOD STAR TREK IS A THING THAT IS HAPPENING. First there were all those pics of ZQ and Benedict and Zoe. And now there is
THIS VIDEO of fight choreography and dsnalkg;sdajld. Hi, I am very excited. I am going to eat up every damn spoiler we get.
Timeless is going to be delivered to my kindle tomorrow AND I CAN'T WAIT TO READ. Professor Lyall! Alexia! EVERYONE! YAY!
In other news, I am trying to bento again because I am spending too much money on buying lunch lately. I am an adult!
The last episode was so good. And this week's preview looks amazing. CAPTAIN RENARD PLEASE TELL ME ALL YOUR SECRETS.