Upon inspection of my userpics.. I don't have a really good SEXY icon. Adam singing and pointing suggestively is the closest it gets.
Anyway! Today was the longest day in the history of days. We had a lab that STARTED at 8am. And since I am the TA I had to be there really early to set everything up. And then my advisor/the professor did not show up till like 8:30 so I got to try and fudge my way through explaining a lab that I only half-understand. All this on no coffee and not enough sleep. Then we spent like 3 hours climbing around on rocks in the full sun, which I was not prepared for. The lab was really fun. I practically went swimming while we were trying to set the laser level. Yay up to my knees in water! Then I fell down a lot. Like.. a lot. Apparently it was my day. The end result was that by 11:30 when we went in.. I was gross and practically falling asleep on my feet. So I went home to shower before my second lab of the day, this time as a student. Somewhere in there, I tried not to drown in my lunch and barely managed to make it. *woe*
Oh a different note though, my advisor TOTALLY watches.. or at least watched.. anime. you DO NOT UNDERSTAND the levels of flail here. We talked about anime club during my interview and I cited it as like.. the #1 reason that I am confident in myself now.. and really just the one thing I love best about UCONN. Then today he made a comment about my Neko-sama shoelaces during lab and he was talking about how I tried to explain anime to my roommate. And he was like, "oh yea I was explaining it to her too and I think we should watch Spirited Away or something when I get my projector. It's a perfect gateway anime". And I'm like "omgomgomg". Then he said he used to watch Robotech. GUYS MY ADVISOR WATCHES ANIME. I DONT NEED TO BE THAT AWKWARD PERSON WHO WATCHES CARTOONS AND GETS WEIRD LOOKS FROM PEOPLE FOR IT.
Then I got home and passed out for like 2 hours on my bed with the lights on. So my head has been feeling a bit fuzzy all night. I am excited though because tomorrow I am going into the city to meet my mom and get my paycheck. Then we're having movie night here at the apt. Saturday is the clambake. Sunday we're going apple picking if the weather cooperates. I NEED TO STUDY OMG WHEN AM I GONNA DO THAT?!
Anyway, I caught up with
ontd_startrek a bit tonight. There havent really been any new Adam pics (omg please let there be a PR storm starting on Monday) so I needed a fix of pretty. And oh man, it delivered.
http://community.livejournal.com/ontd_startrek/740162.html#cutid1This post contains the cutest fanfic ever... written by a 5 year old. Kirk and Spock go see Finding Nemo.
"Spock thought it was illogical, cause fish don't talk. But Kirk thought it was cute, cause he likes movies with fish."
*dies from cute overload*
http://community.livejournal.com/ontd_startrek/728896.html#cutid1Zach goes walking, gets a flat tire and changes it. Continues looking sexy in the process
Oops I forgot to save the other entry links.
Oh well, enjoy the pretty
http://bit.ly/61mAV JUST DO IT