Cara popped my cherry! aka, Hunger: My First LOTS Picspam

Feb 26, 2010 01:21

HUNGER: My First LOTS Picspam
Cara popped my Picspam Cherry!!! 

(image by deej  inspired by shipperfey )

This Picspam is full of Cara, Cara, and more Cara. 
It will break your dialup and even the entire interwebs. You have been warned!

Sooo we start off with the boring setup blahblah...
Joxer Sebastian's back to his swindling ways and Zedd's brother Thaddicus is trying to get in on the action.

Meanwhile, Zedd is blowing up trees and is pretty proud of himself, but Cara is not amused.

A lame-o lady arrives and tells Richard he must save some villagers who are being captured. 
Cara :  Maybe you haven't heard but the Seeker is on a quest. He does not have time for this shit.

Oooooohh, foreshadowing. She tells them that the Banelings are kidnapping the villagers. 
Cara:  Banelings don't kidnap people, they kill them.

Richard:  Oh noes! We must save them!
Cara:  But that will take days!

(gif by carpenyx)
  A land in turmoil cried out for a hero...  DING DONG RICHARD! Your quest. Remember that?

oooooh, shiny-water-is-shiny-and-glowy :: It must be important!plot

(gif by deej)
Time for Epic!Fight!Hair and oh look! KAHLAN!THIGH
(note: Is that Tab's stuntie in the last Cara frame?)

While Kahlan confesses Glen Levy one of the bad guys...

Richard sends Cara to chase after the pussy who's running away...

And in doing so her girlfriend takes a bolt to the shoulder!!
Don't worry Kahlan!  Cara has her Dildo of Doom Magic; she'll make it all better.

Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are...

You just pissed off the wrong Mord-Sith
*Hot*...I have a thing for blood

Now Caras going to kick your ass and make you tell her where the villagers are
all while her fucking throat is slit open and  gushing trickling blood.

Cara is dead! HELL YEAH!!!  If Cara is dead, You know what this means!!!!...

Funny feelings in my pants are about to ensue!!!!!

Cara:  Rahl.. Get your ass down here now!

Cara: I want the deal...make me a Baneling.  I need to get back to my girlfriend asap.

Rahl:  You betrayed me and hurt my feelings ;(  I don't know if I can trust you.
Cara: Dumbass, as a Baneling I will be forced to kill for you and we both know I'm hella awesome at that.
And if I fail I have to come back here and deal with your shit anyway. 
UNF Bareback Cara!!!!!

Rahl:  If I make you a Baneling, you'll just run back to help the Seeker. We're not on speaking terms anymore.
Cara:  I kill to protect the Seeker. What does it matter why I do it, as long as I do it?
zOMG Cara Do it Nekkid!!! (my mind is in the gutter and it's a deep, dark & wet one)
THIS is why she needs to get back to Kahlan!

UNF ...The funny feelings IN MY PANTS are SRS BNS

(gif by violensi)
Rahl: You must kill every day. Understand?
Cara: If I keep killing I stay it

Rahl: Oh yeah, and you're powers are gone. Sucks for you.
Cara: Asshole. Just get me the fuck outta here.

Cara: You couldn't at least stay alive long enough for me to kill you.

Richard:'ve got a little something on your neck
Cara: Oh -- yeah...that blood's not mine.  I'm good.
REALLY Richard???  HELLO!! The blood on her neck is in a straight line
like it was slashed...AND YOU DON"T EVEN QUESTION IT? *tsk tsk*

Cara: What about Glen? Can't I kill him?
Kahlan:  No, I've confessed him. If you kill him I will be sad and there will be no spooning for you tonight
Cara:  :/


Baneling Lady: I needed to take care of my sick daughter. Why did you take the deal?
Cara: I need to stay alive to protect the Seeker...and The Mother Confessor my girlfriend

Baneling Lady: There's a cure...

Cara: Okay screw the quest, let's go get the cure (cause I'm never getting laid ever again if I turn into that thing)

Cara: WTF why are we stopping?
Zedd:  It's dark and the Seeker needs his beauty sleep
Cara: (...but I need to kill someone, like now!)

Cara:  I'm going hunting
Kahlan:  I have some apples
Cara: I want meat, and no Richard -- not your meat

Baneling!Cara is sexually frustrated, so she chases down and kills the bad dude. All better... for now

Cara: It took me a while to find some prey.

Sebastian: Don't hurt me, the cure is real.
Cara: (wants to kill you)
Thaddicus:  Oh hai bro. Fancy seeing you here.

Plot!Crap: Rahl finds out about the cure and will now plot to stop the Seeker and Cara from finding it blah blah blah...

Zedd: I know about the rumored Shadow Water. We must go and find it.
Cara:  Is there more? (Cuz I'm gonna need that shit soon -- like, real soon :/ )
TAB!! Stop being so...GUH I don't even know I can't think straight anymore!


Kahlan:  Cara's staring at my ass again isn't she?

Cara's making my heart hurt...Someone give her a hug...NOW!

Richard: We should be able to get to the cure in 2 days. Maybe 3.
Cara:  3...days? (Mother Confessor; I'll be dead by then)

Why does her flesh start peeling at the same spot on her forehead every time she starts to become Baneling!Cara?
Whatever... 's still hot!

Cara: I spy with my little eye.. a small campfire with some people to eat kill

Cara: Having an early breakfast I see? ...I'm hungry

DudeWhosDeadBeforeHeEvenKnowsIt:  I'm going to enjoy killing you
Cara:  Unfortunately for you, I'm already dead

(gif by violensi)
Cara: Oh great, as if my day couldn't get any better

Rahl: ...I do believe you owe me a soul for today
Cara:  I know the rules dickhead

Rahl:  Aahhh, but you're leagues from the nearest town with nobody to kill...except them

Rahl: I can give you a way out if you tell me where the cure is
Cara:  Piss off.  I don't have to tell you anything. That's not part of our agreement.
Rahl:  Well you still have to kill one of them...pick the old dude.

(gif by violensi)

Cara: Thaddicus, I need you to help me gather some firewood so I can kill you undetected

Cara:  Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you
Thaddicus: She's a Baneling!!
OMG!!!  FEELINGS!!!!  YOU'RE KILLING ME!!!!!!!  Cara!!!!!!!!

Richard:  Cara.. when?
Cara:  Three days ago. I've already killed twice.
Kahlan:  Rahl offered you the deal..
Cara:  I asked him to make me a Baneling

Kahlan:  Why?
Cara:  I had to get back -- to tell you where the kidnappers had taken the captives
and tosave Richard because I'm your little spoon.

Richard: There's a faster way to the source.
Cara: Even if it was only a thousand paces I won't make it. Please, go. I don't want you to see me like this.
GUH Cara!!  Noooo...don't do this to heart strings are being pulled too tight :(

Kahlan:  Zedd, you have to save my girlfriend
Zedd:  Banelings are created with dark magic. There's nothing I can do.

Cara: Guess I won't get to be your little spoon anymore
oh Tab are killing me ;(

Thaddicus  Thank you
Cara:  For what?
Thaddicus:  You could have killed me to save yourself but, you didn't.

OMG SHOW!!!!!!

Zedd:  Give him the breath of life.
Cara:  I lost that power when I became a Baneling

Richard:  Cara and I will run to the source to can get her power back.

Richard:  Noooooooooooooooooooo.!!! The source water's being sucked up into the underworld!!!!

(gif by violensi)
There's a reason why they are not showing Richards crotch area right now, and
Cara's wishing that was Kahlan's hand!!!  UNF...

Thaddicus:  How am I alive?
Zedd:  You saved Cara's life so, she returned the favor

Cara:  Why did you? I nearly killed you.
Thaddicus:  But you didn't. I'm an old selfish fool.  You, you're important.
You protect the Seeker. Your life is much more valuable than mine.
Cara:  I don't understand these feelings....

Cara: I'm, grateful to both of you for, helping me save Thaddicus
Richard: It wasn't just Thaddicus we wanted to save.
Cara:  Still.....

Cara:  You must think I'm a monster.. for taking the deal
Kahlan: Oh Cara, I only think your a monster under the furs. Tonight, if you want,
you can choose to be the big spoon or the little one.

Cara: Thank you

UNF times a million

legend of the seeker, seeker: cara/kahlan, picspam, seeker: cara

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