May 08, 2007 02:37
i drank a dr. pepper AND a vault [you know, "drinks like a soda, kicks like an energy drink"?] both after 8:00 this evening, and let's just say SOMEONE isn't sleeping tonight. that someone being ME.
some idiot on my floor left the chute to the dumpster open and locked the door to the room where the chute is, so no one can get in there to close the chute. my entire hall reeks of garbage. it's so disgusting. i have a wadded up towel at the bottom of my doorway so the trashiness won't permeate my room. ughhh.
i also realized earlier tonight that there are NINE CHAPTERS in my two terrorism textbooks which i have not read, all of which are going to be on my final exam on wednesday. YESSS. i love it when that happens..... NOT. it's okay, though. i read six of them already, and i'm going to save the other three for tomorrow when i wake up. i went ahead and completed my psychology study guide, too, so i'm doing okay. i'm not necessarily ahead on my studying, but i guess i'm at least on track. i have no tests tomorrow, so i'm just gonna focus on finishing my reading, memorizing the bill of rights, and going back over my psych stuff. yay for planning.
i packed another container full of stuff today. mostly clothes and shoes that i know i'm not going to wear in the next three days. i also took all the posters and pictures off my walls and put them in their own container so they don't stick to everything and tear. most everyone is so sad about leaving for the summer, but i honestly couldn't be happier. oxford has nothing to offer me since i'm not a lush or a junkie. i'll miss my friends, sure, but we have all summer to hang out, ya know?
welp, i guess that's it for now. i might try to go to sleep? probably not. i'll probably just read some more. meh. we'll see.
have a good night/morning/afternoon everyone. i love most of you.