If Only You Were Lonely

Jan 10, 2006 14:53

So Hawthorne Heights is putting out a new album. I don't think anything can top their last one. I don't care what anyone says, that band is awesome. I like them and that's all that effin matters. With that voice and song names like Ohio is for lovers and Screenwriting An Apology along with the lyrics that make you want to jump out of a window, how could you not love them?

I don't even remember what I have done. I know I moved tons of April's stuff from the house. Tons. Theres still way more to move. I'm not sure what is going on with everything involving a roommate.

Hippie came down. He helped move stuff. Justin came down. He helped move stuff. That's about all I done this weekend. Move stuff.

Yesterday Nathan took me to this pizza place that sells vegan strombolis. It was awesome. Great food. Then we washed my car. I'm still cracking up about that. He didn't know you had to keep moving the car back and forwards to dry it. hahaha *busts a gut* Classic. You had to be there I'm sure.

My head is killing me. I need some glasses. I'm working crazy over time. I think I may even work on Saturday. Theres some shows coming up I'd like to see. I might go to them. I've never been to a show alone. That'd be weird. This New Year's I didn't smoochie anyone. I screamed in Tony's face. I want some snow. It isnt even cold here. I think Randolynn is coming up for a week soon. I always say she's coming up and she never does. We shall see. I think Hippie and Richard are coming down this weekend. I'd like to see my best friend one day. That'd be cool. I want to have an accent wall in my living room. I'm going to paint it colors to match Chip and Sofie. The browns, white and a little hidden pink for their little noses. Not all tiger stripped, but just those colors. I'm obsessed with the band Emery. I'm reading the lyrics from the new Hawthorne Heights cd and they are really good. I can't wait to listen to this stuff. Bleh. I guess I should do some work.

I know it hurts to feel so all alone
I'm by myself, more then you could know
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