May 12, 2011 03:25
- 10:09:30: @ tipadaknife used to be Plixi, one of the Twitter-related photo sharing sites.
- 10:25:43: Need to finish levelling my current Reaver, Lady Taz - TR shows she'll get Spritely (already has Hex) so I can mix in Weakness soon.
- 10:27:52: Balance GM hasn't done Malistaire yet so won't be getting her own Judge any time soon. She's next thru CL after Death (in Science Ctr now).
- 10:30:07: @ SirWinterbreeze I'm Meh w/both new Ice spells, play mainly solo so Legion's not worth carrying, Frost Armor's not worth the pips.
- 10:31:37: @ PaigeMoonShade Morning Paige! Wishing I was home to play, not really all that eager for WT though just need Spiral time.
- 10:33:23: @ SirWinterbreeze 30% is the same reduction as the Weakness amulet, similar to Plague spell too I think.
- 11:30:43: RT @blastr: 1st official pic of unrecognizable David Tennant in Fright Night
- 12:05:33: Is it too late to call in sick if you're already at work? Not for Wintertusk, just feeling horrible & want to crawl back into bed.
- 12:32:03: @ dianawildheart Sadly no, just the lingering exhaustion & achy all over from a cold I'd thought at first was just allergies.
- 16:46:59: Weren't King Parsley and Stinkweed both Rank 1 plants? Parsley's rank 3 now (w/rank 2 bugs!) and Stinkweed's Rank 2.
- 16:47:45: Patch notes said Prickly Bears were going from Rank 4 to Rank 5, but don't recall them mentioning others going up. Any other plant changes?
- 16:50:31: @ spiritcaller Katanas: Oyotomi/green, Plague Oni/blue, Jade Oni/purple, Oakheart/red - any others folks?
- 16:52:44: @ SorceressMiklai Lightning bugs and Ghoulish Wisps were both rank 2 pests, rank 3 was Stinkbugs. (Pinks used to only get rank 1, dangit)
- 16:53:45: @ LadyofBlades No clue, sorry, I could only remember the 4 Katana style ones.
- 21:18:07: @ PaigeMoonShade If you stitch something to the Grum Staff, it takes the name and trade/no trade from whatever has the stats.
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