So working in the convention center has its perks. For one thing, I get to know about any conventions coming through town, and mingle with conventioneers (such as Sakura Con attendees).
Last year, I was told that the NW Flower & Garden show was well worth the cost of admission, so I bought a half-day pass and went after work. Boy they weren't kidding! Somehow all these landscape firms had brought in gigantic rocks, huge trees, logs, plants, and they constructed buildings and fountains. And that was only a tiny section of this gihugic show.
This year, I planned ahead and made sure my grandmother would be in town to go with me - she's an avid gardener and has taught me much of what I know about transplanting and the like. I'm really excited and looking forward to it.
If you're interested in this show, I hear that this may be the last year it's held. It'll be from the 19th to the 22nd - see
here for more details.
Also, I've started to commit fruit graffiti at work. One of my coworkers always brings in multiple oranges for his lunch and so I've taken to sneaking in to the lunch room and drawing faces on them with a sharpie and setting them on top of the fridge where they'll be seen. He hasn't figured out who's doing it yet, and he seems to be enjoying it, so I guess I'll keep doing it until I get caught. If anyone has any clever ideas for fun faces to draw, let me know. ;)