May 18, 2005 09:24
i feel like my life is one long struggle to not be cliche
im always scheduling myself to get my ass kicked...who thought it was a good idea to work and intern this summer? my bank account
is it weird to be 21 and feel so old? that scares me, theres so much i want to do/experience/be and i dont know if i'll be able to do any of it
my mom tells me 'welcome to the real world'
id rather live in my head then
i wish someone would read between my lines and realize who/what i really want
why cant i forgive my own faults?
i am destined to be alone, i accept it but fear it more each day
the worst feeling in the world is knowing you dont matter
or i guess i should say not mattering to the ones that matter to you
why do i always want to be someones friend more than they want to be mine
i long to be a free spirit
im so cynical about love because i'll never have it
dont ever take any of this seriously, its just the lines that run through my head
home is always bittersweet
for once i wish i could be pursued and not in the crazy stalker type way
i cannot begin to explain how much i loathe getting up early in the morning
playing with photography chemicals can lead to parkinsons disease