(no subject)

Apr 03, 2009 00:14

Today = much better than most of my week. Just in general felt better about most things and more optimistic. Good transition into the weekend I say :D

Had Pit Orchestra practice today. Yesterday I totally felt useless since I didn't have my, or rather, my friend's keyboard, but tonight I actually felt useful! xD Was a bitch carrying that bigass 77 key keyboard around but hey, I managed. I even managed to meet this cool kid on the 4th floor of my building named Dan. He wanted to jam but unfortunately I'm terrible at improv and stuff like that so he probably thought I was super lame haha. Oh well. He was cute. Totally would go for him if I didn't have Mark already haha.

Also had a fun presentation during class about this guy who rents bikes to kids on urban college campusses. Definitely really cool and definitely gonna get in on that next semester. Bikes = awesome way to work out without ever going to the gym. It'd also be hella less expensive than taking the T all the time.

Jimmy Eat World this weekend!!!! So exccciiitteeeeddd
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