People are so fucking cruel.
I post asking for help, and people rip me apart without reading the important parts. Without any knowledge of me or my situation, people tell me "I hope you never have children" and "you're being an entitled cunt, you're the problem with the world today" and "somebody should have killed you and then gone on their own vision quest."
The guy that told me that got upvoted. When I defended myself - without EVER accusing, fighting back, or being inflammatory - I got downvoted. People sided with him.
All over literally 1 sentence in a post that was a page and a half long, which went on and on about how awesome my cat is and how much I love her. One sentence, which ended with ".... which I DO NOT want to do, I love my cat."
I should die. I shouldn't have children because I'd sell them "when something better came along". I am making the world a terrible place to live in. Because I want what's best for my animal.
I wanted to do this so that I could help people. I don't want to help anybody anymore.
EDIT[Crossfade; cut to 12 hours later]
Hhhhoooookay. I feel a lot better now. I committed some things to paper which hopefully my Karma will completely ignore, then I deleted the offending Reddit post as completely as possible. Then I went through the asshole's comment history and systematically downvoted every comment he's made in the last two months. It didn't affect his comment karma any, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel at least a tiny bit vindicated.
But here's the real reason I had to edit this post and update everybody: FOUND A SOLUTION TO THE CAT PROBLEM. Apparently, K informs me that Prada is a pretty good traveler; She doesn't enjoy it, but she tolerates it pretty well. After I learned that, R called his mom (our first stopover on the journey) and did some very subtle sweet-talking, and she agreed to let us bring Prada with us. SO THAT MEANS SHE CAN COME WITH ME. I don't have to put her in a shelter! I don't have to ... well, do anything drastic - the entire reason the Trolls anal-raped me to begin with. Because Little P has someplace to go, and even better, that place is by Mommy's side.
There's a chance that she may even grow to kind of like traveling. There's a chance she can come with me for the entire six months we'll be traveling, and if we come armed with all kinds of cat safety and humane confinement equipment, we'll probably be able to find people on CouchSurfer who will take all three of us in for a night.
I cannot describe to you all how relieved I am by this development. I am a very happy pet parent tonight. And this relief comes at the perfect time,
considering what is happening 10 minutes from my house and how many consecutive hours I have spent over the last two days watching the local news.