Happy Monday, LJ. I'm pleased to report that the flea market was a success!
The Good: offloaded a TON of stuff, both to flea market shoppers and to The Arc who had a truck waiting for unwanted merchandise at the end of the day - no more clutter, HOORAY! It feels so nice and spacious in here. Plus, we made enough money to pay for the spot AND the U-Haul van we rented, and then had some left over. Current profit-by-liquidation tally: $1105 since last Thursday. WHAT WHAT.
The Bad: Didn't realize we wouldn't have any shade, forgot to bring sunscreen. Stood outside in the sunlight for 8 hours in 91 degree heat.
I am a very sad lobster panda, and yes it hurts. It is HOT AS BALLS, and we sold three of our four fans at the flea market. Good for profit, bad for heat relief. It's 91 degrees again today, and will be even hotter tomorrow. We are hiding inside in the darkness like vampires and have a pitiful little bowl of ice parked on a stool in front of a box fan. I'm too hot and sweaty to bother peeling myself off the sofa.
Still no calls about Little P, so I made a post on R/ColoradoSprings in the hopes that I'll get leads that way. I had a really big Sad about her last night, but then R and I had a gentle talk where he reminded me that if all I'm doing is being sad and negative, especially about something with which I have a strong emotional attachment, all that will happen are sad negative things. So I'm trying to keep neutral-to-positive in my emotions, and letting my thoughts pass through my head like dead leaves on a stream. Hopefully it's not too late to turn this bad situation around and have it end up all right for the both of us - this is my test, not Prada's, and hopefully I still have time to turn things around before all my negativity dramatically impacts Little P.
With 13 days to go and a large bulk of "the hard stuff" overwith, today is our first day "off" in a while. We're just going to lay around and be sunburnt and try to recoup. Personally, I'm going to go lay under some cold washcloths for a while.