(no subject)

Jun 23, 2005 11:12

Ok ok...so Adam made a comment in my last post about me 'cropping' some pictures. Sorry Adam, but you were way off. I was going to just reply to his comment explaining it but I decided to give you kids a few tips on html. I don't use much on here cause I don't really feel like taking the time...but my myspace is full of this shit...go look... My Myspace!

FIRST AND FOREMOST!!! When ever you see [ and ] you MUST replace them with < and > respectively. Without these characters, the html WILL NOT WORK!!!

ok no i didn't crop the pictures...I just wrote some easy html...like for instance when I want a picture I just type [img src="URL of pic"]. And to change the size all you have to do is change it to [img src="URL of pic" width="300"]. The "URL of pic" is self-explanitory but the "300" consitutes the size of the pic. 300 is what I used for all those pics, it just seems to be the best size in my opinion, but you can lower it to make the pics smaller or raise it to make them bigger...let me show you...

this pic is using a width of '100'.

Now observe the second picture. It is significantly bigger because I raised the width to '400'.

I think you get the point. A good way to get URL's for pics on your computer is to get a photobucket account at ... photobucket.

You upload a pic and it will automatically give you the URL, the Tag, and an image tag for message boards and such.

now some basics that you might want to know...some of the easiest htmls are font changes. you can bold by typing in a [b] before the text then a [/b] after the text that you want bold. the same thing goes with italics. Only difference is you exchange the b with an i. Underline? Yeah you can do that as well, only with a u!

You can also change the font color by typing in [font color="color name or code"] and close it off with [/font]. Now the 'color name or code' gives you a few options, you can either just type in typical colors such as blue, black, green, orange, etc. Or you can find a color chart on the net that tells all the color codes. they will be a 6-digit number that you just place in there. This way gives you a much more variety of colors to choose from.

Ok...I think I'm going to call it quites for now. I might post a few more fun tips later, but I'm going to sleep now. Oh, don't forget the transition from [ and ] to < and >!!! night all. enjoy!
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