Feb 28, 2008 09:26
Hello fellow S&H fans and writers,
I'm writing to you because I'm looking for contributors for a new S&H zine, titled "Boys in Blue".
This idea popped into my head last year when I talked to Kimberly about the lack of zines published in 2007. I made two drawings of the younger boys in uniform and was then looking for stories of S&H from that time in their career. While I was looking I thought it might be fun to put together a whole zine with stories of them in uniform, because I like zines with a "theme".
Along came ZCon where our wonderful Flamingo offered to help me with this whole endeavour.
Now I'm looking for authors who are interested in contributing to the zine.
Here's the idea:
It's all about younger S&H. It doesn't have to be necessarily limited to their time in the academy, but since they are so different in their characters, I always wondered how they met and how they became friends. I'd need stories about the time frame before they become plainclothes detectives.
How did they meet? Did they hate each others guts at first sight? Was it love at first sight? Or was it an event that brought them together? There are many possibilities. :)
Both gen and slash stories are welcome.
Since we plan to publish the zine for SHarecon in August, we'd need the stories ideally by mid-June to early July at the very latest. As usual I'd like to ask every submitter for a year's grace time on posting their story. Contributors get a free copy of the zine for art, stories or poems.
Sounds intriguing? Wanna come aboard and contribute something? Let me know!
aka Enednoviel