Title: How the West Was Won
Authors: Rebelcat and Elizabeth Helena
Rating: NC-17 due to hot man-on-man bedroom games.
Gen or Slash: Slash! Yes, Rebel and EH wrote 100% S/H.
Warning: We wrote slash together. . . oh, not that kind of warning. Um, this story contains mild kink or medium kink, it all depends on the perverted eye of the beholder.
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Pink fuzzy handcuff made me laugh..but mostly because I once bought a pair of those for a friend as a gag gift!
I always envision Starsky as having a costume fetish too. He always has the right ensemble for every setting...cowboy duds are among his favorite. which is strange for guy raised in NYC.
But...some of my ideas that way come from knowing Starsky is an Aries, and they're the "little kids" of the Zodiac. The "soul age" for Aries is 7-11 years old...they're Peter Pan, more or less. *G*
(Hutch is a Virgo-their "soul age" is 35-42, middle age...that age when you realize you're not immortal or shiny anymore. Virgos are perpetually disaffected and in a middle aged crisis..."My blood pressure seems high, my diet, where's my antacids, is my hair falling out...?" that's a 10 year old Virgo. LOL
Aries tend to look at clothing as costumes, the way kids often do, wondering why they can't wear their tiara and ballerina tutu or their Roy Rogers holster and capguns and cowboy hat to school.
"Hey, I have just the right outfit for that!" They're natural framers, scene setters of their own lives, and the costume thing fits right in.
If you see a guy who has all four Village People costumes in his closet..well, I'd bet he's an Aries.
When he's on vacation in Wyoming, this is the guy I see in the Western shop buying a cowboy hat and boots, even though he'll may have a place to wear them again back in New Jersey.
The ruling priniciple for Capricorns is conservatism. They enjoy traditional styles and often, you find them surrounding themselves with lovely, old fashioned things, or antiques, or dressing with touches that remind you of a bygone era or decade.
The house that naturally rules Leo (the Sun, first house) promotes self-expression, drama/dance, reknown/fame, competitiveness, fine arts, popularity, playing games or sports, fun and amusement, sex (in the sense of both procreation and pleasure), offspring, originality, publishing, politics, teaching and legacy/geneology, in the individual.
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