Well, I resolved to re-watch the entire series again this year and today was the beginning of that. I might be able to re-watch one episode per day if I have enough time, but with note-taking it takes about 1.5 to 2 hours to watch them:) Oh well, it's a fun ride.
It’s Iron Mike I think this is why I could never trust him on the Iron Mike episode. I saw him being all deadly and shooting people, so then I’m supposed to believe he’s an honest cop? Nah, I’ll side with SH and suspect him. And he’s teamed with Lionel Fitzgerald III. We know he’s bad news. He just keeps trying to kill Starsky again and again.
I have repeated the opening conversation between Starsky and Hutch so much in my head, I can recite it word for word along with them. I love them so much. And that cute little bit with Starsky stopping the guy’s punching bag beside him so he can talk, then allowing him to continue is always fun.
How does Frankie not know Starsky and Hutch are cops? How does ANYONE not know they’re cops? I mean, granted they’re undercover cops, but everybody knows them. And Hutch has been coming to Frankie’s gym for how long? Is this another one of those “I know, but I don’t wanna know, so I’ll say I don’t know” things? This didn’t work very well for Starsky in DIADP, so it won’t work very well for Frankie here either. Plus, he knows. He’s the one that called Hutch in Deadly Imposter talking about the guy they went to the Academy with. Granted, between the pilot and then Hutch could have mentioned Colby (for some reason), but still….Frankie knows.
Does Starsky not like his car today because he certainly would probably throw a fit about leaving his car in Frankie’s alley all day long. Either a) pick Hutch up from the gym and take your car (Hutch’s is even in a parking space!) or b) drive in separately and leave one of your cars in the police garage because it’s safer than leaving it in the alley (okay, it’s safer at this point….until they tick off the wrong kinds of people). Leaving his car in the alley would alert….a few people that “hey, I heard he was dead, but his car’s in the back alley by the gym.” And whoever gave those kids that paint job should be tracked down by Starsky because he should have a one of a kind paint job. Hurts his image, as he said, to have people copying him.
Seriously! I can recite the Acceptable/Thing-A-Ma-Jig conversation word for word. Man, I love this show! And that lag time of “it’s not” about it being serious…yeah, Hutch has started the assurances early. Starsky doesn’t have anything to feel threatened about, as Hutch has made sure to tell him.
Coley’s voice still sounds like Jack Klugman to me. And Dobey looks angry. I’m glad they switched from Richard Ward to Bernie Hamilton. The voice thing I couldn’t have stood for four seasons. Not to mention, the character himself is much less trustable in the pilot than he eventually becomes. I want a trust-worthy Dobey, not someone who I keep wanting to offer a cough drop to.
The coordination in the bar scene is fantastic. I know it was Paul’s test scene and I love that, but I was just struck with the tray/drink move at the very beginning. The pimp-in-training grabs the drink from the tray at the same moment Starsky grabs the tray from the waitress. Good job, guys! And see! Starsky even said everybody knows they’re cops. Frankie knows, too. It’s bugging me, but he knows. And I love the rough accent that Paul hasn’t quite got under control yet, so it’s Boston coming through. I just adore they’re attitude in this scene, especially Starsky’s, because he’s not playing games. He’s just trash-talking and digging at them. Hutch is more subtle with the “get Fat Rolly drunk and he won’t know it.” Hutch’s quiet rage with the good cop/bad cop rundown is wonderful.
Poor Starsky. He has a reputation for being a...umm…skirt-chaser? That’s the nice way of saying it. Hutch is amused, too. Starsky’s got that New York attitude thing down. Hutch has that quiet rage that we love so well. And I really would not like to hear this Dobey yelling at me, on the phone or in person, because it hurts my ears.
See, on second thought, maybe Nancy was indeed the first Mrs. Hutchinson and not Vanessa. I don’t know anymore. It could be either. And the scene with Lijah is always so, so sweet to me. Just the simple act of giving him a dollar. It means so much to him and Hutch didn’t have to do it, but he did and it shows that these two men care. They’re not like other cops, as Hutch previously pointed out. And we’re very happy to know that’s true.
Look, look! It’s my diorama! Hahaha! Captured in plastic. Black car, red car. Round and round we go and where we stop….I know! Just these little things, you know? They mean so much. And the Mr. Starsky and Mr. Hutchinson scene is priceless. They’re very nice to the butler, the secretary, but when the heavies make them mad they let it all out. No more nice guy. And then they’re sweetly stripping. They ain’t wearing badges, but they are wearing guns. How sweet it is!
What’s the best way to subdue a criminal? Throw them in the pool! See pilot, Las Vegas Strangler, and Dandruff for some examples. And this is the magic pool which allows Starsky’s sweater to disappear and then reappear. I wonder what they got in that water. And those jeans are gonna be a pain to get off. Tight, tight jeans plus water equals ‘just cut them off!’ And I just now realized there’s a no pets sign out there, so the lady’s smuggling this huge dog around. How do you hide something that big?
Wait a minute! Hutch just had a thought! And Starsky’s not easily convinced that it’s an inside job. Hutch is more than willing to think their fellow boys in blue are trying to kill them, but Starsky….no, Starsky can’t believe it immediately. But then he does and it’s sad because the people he thought he could count on have just dwindled down to one, the most important one.
I love the little old lady in the porno theatre. I mean, I know I talk a lot about food and sex, but I’m not bringing my lunch to the porno theatre in a thermos and a plastic baggie. And then Starsky starts laughing and tells Hutch to shush. He’s not the one laughing, he’s just the one making you laugh. And I can recite the holes in our bodies bit, too.
We fired this coroner, right? I mean, I know there’s lots of people working in the precinct, but I get the feeling this old guy retired. On second thought, I think a lot of the guys in this department got either reassigned or retired. And I had literally forgotten how much of this episode I can recite. It’s like all these lines of dialogue are stored in a hidden file and I can pull them out at will. Interesting ability.
I really enjoy how they over-dubbed the audio so you can’t hear David cussing. I can bet he didn’t originally say barking. And we learn that Hutch’s eyesight is wonderful because he can spot the car even when Starsky thinks they lost him. Every single time Hutch jumps on the roof of his car, I cringe at the memory of just how much damage was done in that action.
And as for the chili run…why doesn’t he just make Hutch get in the car with him? Yeah, it might be out of the way to come back to the gym to pick up Hutch’s car later that night, but Hutch could stay over with Starsky and they could pick the car up in the morning when Hutch goes back to the gym for his workout. That way, Starsky can make sure the man goes to the restaurant with him. Trust your partner, but never let him out of your sight. It’s a lesson we’ll learn again and again.