It's that time, folks! :)
If you're not familiar with the awards, a quick primer:
The PWA is in memory of
Paula Wilshe, a fanfic author and zine publisher who made a special effort to work with and encourage writers, especially fledgling ones. In her honor, the award is presented biennially to a new author in the S&H fandom.
The MKA are in memory of
Marian Kelly, aka Katherine Robertson, a 'Founding Mother' of the S&H fandom. She was a prolific author, artist, and active participant in fan conventions. The awards recognize excellence in various fanwork categories-writing, vidding, art-as well their creators.
Details on eligibility and the nomination process can be found on the SHareCon website
Awards page, but a few things of note:
- All fans are encouraged to nominate/vote. You do NOT have to be attending the con to participate.*
- Right now we are in the nomination period, which is akin to voting in a primary election in that you can nominate more than one person (or fanwork) for each category. The nomination period ends on July 31st.
- The top ten nominees in each category will become the finalists in the 'general election.' At that point, you will cast one vote only for each category.
A list of the nominees so far can be found here:
MKA We have such a wealth of wonderful fic, vids, art, and other fanworks in the Starsky and Hutch fandom. It's a treasure trove that goes back many years and is still growing. Nominations let creators know that their efforts are appreciated. If you enjoy the fanworks (and of course you do!), I hope you will take a few minutes to participate in the awards process. Spread the joy!
Alright, enough of me prattling. Go to the
Awards page, read the instructions carefully, then fill out the survey. Thank you!
* You don't have to attend the con... but it'd be really, really awesome if you did! All the details are at the
SHareCon website; join the
Facebook group or the
Google Groups mailing list for updates.
Disclaimer: I'm not on the SHareCon Awards committee, just helping to spread the word. Love to
flamingoslim, and
silver_cyanne, the fabulous ladies tirelessly working to encourage and honor our content creators ♥