1-When did you first watch Starsky and Hutch?
I watched the original series as a high schooler. My friends and I loved it. We even did the running over cars thing. I reconnected with the show through the magic of the internet. It's showing its age, but the charisma and chemistry outshines all.
2--What made you start writing stories? Had you written fic in other fandoms?
I stumbled across fanfic also though the magic of the internet. I only have two zines. (PS the history of zines is fascinating.) I read everything I could find for about a year before I decided - hey, I can do that. I've written a drabble for "River," a couple of things for "Sherlock," and a MFU crossover with my partner in crime, Mvernet. I hope to write more in other fandoms just because it's fun.
3--What is your process in writing? (outline first? Start at the beginning and work to the end? begin with a scene and work the story around it?)
I usually start with an idea I want to convey. Then I try to come up a situation that would showcase that idea. When I have a loose outline in my head, I start to put things down on "paper." But usually the story changes as I go along. I try to "listen" to my characters. What would they do or say, how would they react?
4-Do you need to watch a few episodes or immerse yourself in other stories or the opposite?
I do like to watch episodes to refresh my mind and I also read a lot, both fanfiction and commercial fiction. I like to see what other people are doing and learn from people who are much better writers than I am.
5-What was your first story? Do you still like it?
My first story was "Expectations" and no, I think it's horrible. I may eventually rewrite it or take it down.
6-What is your favorite story that you wrote, and in the fandom.
I'll list a couple stories I wrote that I really like, but for different reasons. I like "No Limits" even though it's probably a dumb story, but I wanted to show how the relationship between Starsky and Hutch affects the people around them - how it's a magical thing that has a life of its own. Love like that never dies, just keeps growing.
I like "Death Be Not Proud Redux" because it allowed me to weave together all my favorites scenes from the series as well as play with an outside POV, which is one of my favorite things to do.
I also like "A Bit of Fluff" (which is only on StarskyHutch911 I believe) because it was so much fun to write. It's something else Mvernet and I wrote together and we kept switching between laughing and crying as we worked on it.
There are so many fabulous stories in the fandom. It's nearly impossible to narrow them down, so I'll just go with some of the earliest stories I read which I can say "changed my life." "The Thousandth Man" and "A Fine Storm" by Suzan Lovett, "Decorated for Death" by Jill Ripley and "Under" and "Someone Kneeling" by Salieri. I go back to them again and again.
Spencer's stories can be found:
http://starskyhutcharchive.net/viewuser.php?uid=477 If you have any other authors you want to know more about please put their name--and how to get hold of them--in a post. Thanks!