i swear i'm going to scream in about..1...2.....3..
it would make sense that if there was $4.60 in my bank account (this is AFTER adding in a pending payment for gas, and no other payments, transactions or checks were pending) two days ago and i haven't made a single transaction since then, then i shouldn't be overwithdrawn TODAY. but lo and behold..i was going to use my $4 to get a gallon of gas so i could make it to royal oak and back and what do i see when i check my account? i'm actually $9 overwithdrawn! what the fuck! this wouldn't even be an ISSUE if my boss had printed out the paychecks on time.
some of us live paycheck to paycheck (that includes me) so when your boss slips up on something like paychecks, it really fucks up your life. so i couldn't go to class this morning because i didn't want to buy gas and pay an extra $35 for it in fees. my only option was to ask my mom to transfer money into my account until tomorrow when i get my paycheck, so she did. but she had to call my dad to figure out how to do it....so he bitches at her, then she bitches at me..
and i guess now i'm bitching here. to all of you! but not directly at you. and maybe just muttering bitchingly to myself.
everything has to be such an issue and gets turned around on me.
when i graduate, if i'm healthy enough to do so, i'm selling my eggs ($25,000 each!)
my parents will be against it, but then i'll be able to pay off everything and i won't have to listen to them bitch at me again!
i'm almost tempted to just do it now and THEN go back to school once i recover..but i have to much i'm in the middle of and don't want to stop.
well, in better news...
i'm (almost) officially a spag girl! woo! sam and i are going to be doing curtain setup with lisa and then i think holding up a banner? i'm not sure yet but we'll look damn cute doing it!
i told sharada about it and she was actually really supportive of it, which is awesome.
may might be my "debut" as far as an act goes. i just need to get this costume under way asap.
i'm also going to be doing a couple pinup shots for a deck of cards and i'll get my very own month on the spag calendar! yay!
july 19th will be the chicago show, i'm really excited for that, though i'm going to have to bust my balls ahead of time - i'll be in spain from june 13th - july 7th, so that cuts out a huge chunk of time. i also know i won't be able to practice in my grandma and uncle's tiny apartment. so i'll have to be prepared ahead of time.
i have my review for work tomorrow, at this point my brain hurts so much i don't care what she has to say about me! i loaded my first kiln yesterday and fired it...figures it misfires! but it was at 567 degrees and climbing when i left last night, so i don't know what happened.
anygaids, i have gas money now, so i'm getting the fuck out of here.