check out detroit funk's review of our grand opening! (there's a picture of my piece in there, i was super excited to see that!)
for those who missed, it was madness, but good times. the store didn't open quite on time, and as soon as it did, the large line of people who'd been waiting outside rushed in - and i don't think it calmed down till at least 10:30. i had to step outside or in back a couple times because i couldn't handle it!
at one point i was talking to some older man and he was telling me how much he loved my dress and asking me about it, and before i could ask if he was there to buy or if he had anything in the show, i was interrupted by something and had to go. well it turns out that was Glenn Barr! dammit, if i'd known beforehand that that was him - i'd been wanting to meet him for so long!
all of my pieces sold (more or less - i have people who will be buying them from me after the show if they don't sell in the next month) which is really exciting and gives me a little more hope as far as making any income from my work in the future.
i also tied with 2 other people in being voted "best in show" which was also exciting (even if keith insists his vote is the only reason i won.) :p
the new store is really freaking nice (and huge!) and we just got a lot of sweet new things that i want to buy like the giant strawberry tofu (no, shanta, no!!)
i'm excited now to wrap up the end of the semester and start working on my show. hopefully today i can get together with scott so he can look at my work.
i've started working with alginate to cast my fingers - i'd like to attach long nail-like parts similar to those in thai fingernail dance and then have them suspended in different gestures.
next semester i'm going to work on casting keith a silver grill, which will be challenging...but if i can do it, it would be really sweet.
i'm also inheriting some kind of airbrushing machine from my dad that he never used, so i'll spend this summer messing around with that.
haha, i think when i get money i'm going to ask keith to make me one of his sweet airbrush shirts but i thought it would be funny if it had a vulture tearing apart some carcass and then it said "Carrion my wayward son.." lol, well i find it amusing..
i'm also excited for d-lux to customize some headphones for me. i needed a pair of big ones for the airplane because they block out noise interference better. but now i'll also look like a badass. ha!
btw..before i leave for spain, i plan on having a fare thee well BBQ and just for funsies, i think everyone should wear a monocle. and because i'm ridiculous, i went ahead and bought this sweet steampunk monocle: