"I only give my organs to my real friends. Go get yourself a monkey kidney."

Oct 03, 2006 11:53

It is funny how someone can know you for what seems like a lifetime, but not really "know" you. People can talk all the time, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are saying anything of importance or value.

I hate how I am percieved as immature with how I deal with problems. I am well aware of the fact that I can be cold, and that I am not the the best when it comes to communication, more so when I have problems with people. I don't think that makes me immature or wrong, but it is something I have been and still need to work on. Just because people handle things differently doesn't make them wrong or right. I suck at communicating sometimes, but I think (and I hope) that those who are my friends know that I care about them and would do anything in the world for them.

In other news hockey starts tomorrow!!! And more importantly Lou, the best GM in hockey, and one of the best in sports, has worked his magic and dug the Devs out of the $7 million dollar hole he put them in. That means we sign everyone we need to and the Devils will be coming back even stronger than last year. I am saying it right now, the Devils will be the 2007 Stanley Cup champs. LETS GO DEVILS!!!

Apparently, you can put a price on tradition. The Hurricanes (last year's champs) are now raising the Stanley Cup banner their second game rather, than the tradition of their home opener (which is the game that kicks off the season), becasue opening night sold out, but their second night hadn't, so they changed the day so people will buy tix to the second game. I'd be pretty pissed if I was going to the opener.

Also, thank god the train wreck known as the Orioles 2006 season is over! And what better way to end the season with more players being accused of steroid use? It probably isn't true, but it still hurts O's fans just a little. We'll be great next year!!! Haha...I have been saying that for 9 years. I might as well start to celebrate 10 consecutive losing seasons now!

Favortite internet finding of the day:

Ah ... When The Catchphrases Felt Only SLIGHTLY Warmed Over

Is it sad I got a huge ear-to-ear grin on my face when I saw this?
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