Dude Guy Man Face....Face

Oct 04, 2007 11:39

So I quit my craptastic job and I'm poor again...woot woot.
I'm doing a part time gig for now and I got hired to work at Temple High School as a Sp.Ed. Aide.

I'm working on getting my Sign Language Interperters cert.
I'm also workin on getting my Teaching/Sp.Ed. Cert as well.
I have to see if it will transfer back to the good old Granite State.

DJ wants to go back to NH, which is awesome!

He wants to do it by January....hmmmm.

Trust me I miss home like it's my job but....we just got down here. It hasn't even been 6 months. I need to stay in one place for a bit...even if it's craptastic. Not to mention we have no $$$ to move.

I need to get my certs...I need to stay at a job for awhile...I need stability.

As of lately things haven't been soo stable either....w/ my job, w/ DJ, with anything. As much as I don't like it I thrive on a schedual. I love my boy....but I have to do things for myself tooo. I moved for him, now he needs to make a compromise.

It's currently 87 degrees out....in October....WTF.

I miss everyone so much. Please give me a ringy dingy when u can.

Love you all!
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