Jul 20, 2005 20:44
I know this for I rang up MoreFM to ask in the hopes of getting Idol tickets. Sadly the initial contest was for a phone not tickets, I got some random telling me this instead of Paul himself, as such I was not on air, and I couldn't get through to get the phone OR the tickets either. Sadness. I shall try again next week. *puts on schedule*
I'm singing Wherever You Will Go - the Calling for the semis of the Shooting Star thing. Be there yo.
I made afghans! I can't be bothered taking a photo. Despite my initial thoughts of [oh my god. I should just stick to cakes] upon the threeway collapse of the first afghan I tried to take off the tray, they are actually quite good. Apparently I can bake. Out of a packet.
The Rules of Attraction - Bret Eaton Ellis (in other words, the book, not the movie - the movie is R18 or something and I was too afraid to reserve it at the library) is very good. Oh so trashy. Gratuitous sex and drinking and drugs everywhere. Loves it. I just wish I spoke French so I could figure out what the hell Bertrand was on about. Anyone know? Je ne pouvais m'empecher de m'appocher de toi à la soirée. And so on.
mad skillz: baking,