This last week has been spent unsuccessfully fighting off a cold. :| From a headache born of a runny nose to coughs so hard it's like the force of throwing up, it's been a bit shit and I haven't finished anything due this week, ugh. The presentation I'll legitimately do after the break; the three page solo script I'm just going to suck up the late penalty for. I know it's partially my own fault (could have started these well before I got sick) but I still hate having deadlines still hanging over me over the break. The few days off will be nice, though: I half-plan on catching up on Switched at Birth and Pretty Little Liars, maybe finishing FFXIII, and watching Dad and sis play the first Uncharted.
So we have these "character lists", where we had to go through the script and write down everything your character says about themselves, everything they say about other characters (this can include to other characters, eg. "you're a slut" (close to an actual line)), and everything other characters say about yours. Obviously because
my character is minor on par with characters I used to RP this didn't take me very long, but it's come in so handy for all the other exercises we're doing, especially for the more major characters, that I'm seriously considering doing this for my RP characters, or at least, like, Miracle Mikuru and Sharpay because I don't think I'll find time to watch fifty-odd episodes of Digimon this break but a twenty minute episode/half a light novel or four films are doable.
From rereading I realized that I'm not playing Marius as a side character, I'm playing a male Bella Swan circa New Moon, because his "DON'T MARRY ANYONE ELSE WHEN I'M GONE ://///" thing? Is when they're about to be separated for a whole three weeks. I kind of adore these two.
One of the exercises we did was to pick a key line that's as close to our character's superobjective as possible, and then let the rest of the company physicalize your character and they're only allowed to say that line. Since everyone else will approach it differently, you start getting some more ideas about how to physicalize your character. :) My line was "don't marry somebody else" and it was really amazing watching everyone else play that: Several clingy Zimins ranging from one of my friends actually ran up and hugged someone's legs right as the other person was about to say the line to people just unable to keep their hands off each other while saying the line, quite a few who'd start saying it and hesitate or make a few attempts before managing to say it, one girl who walked around anxiously tapping a pen on her other hand before managing to say anything to anyone else. Loved it.
Another one was "like speed dating", or so our director called it: We walked around with our character lists, and when the director called stop, we started talking to the nearest person about how we saw our characters' relationship. I actually got one of the Sonyas (she's doublecast; they'll alternate nights) on my first go so after that I just put down my list (my list is basically all her) and headcanoned it up with them, because I wasn't sure Zimin had much to say to most of the cast beyond "pass the salt" at dinner time. I decided that Zimin comes from quite a traditional family but has spent so much time with Sonya and Maria (her mum) that he has a healthy respect for all the ballsy opinionated women in this play. And he might be seeking advice from the older men who do like looking out for the young things - business advice from the recent rich retiree, and lectures on love and marriage from the washed up writer who's had several wives (die/leave). It was great!