Mar 25, 2012 00:51

I like to describe Maxim Gorky's Summerfolk as a bunch of upper middle class Russian douchebags at their bach, whining about their lives just before the Russian Revolution. One of my mates, listening to me and another mate bemoaning our #firstworldproblems (mine was something about an apple IIRC), remarked that "oh god, Summerfolk really can be translated to today" but most of them seem to be suffering more from ennui and in a couple of cases actual depression. (Watch me diagnose fictional characters.) One character's having an affair with her friend's husband's assistant; two of the guys confess their love to women who reject them because while one of these ladies does seem to be interested, she's also twenty years older than him, and the other one's married and sulking over how a writer she had a crush on as a teenager is no longer so cool. The rest just whine about how the 99% are going to rise up.

The lady who is interested in possible cougar life has a daughter who's the chillest and possibly wisest person in the whole play and kind of sits down her mum and goes, look, stop being so miserable and go for him, it's going to be awesome, he'll be like your son and once I marry my lover the four of us will be one big happy family. (I said possibly.) I got her lover. :) I had originally auditioned for the cradlerobbed guy, asking to play him as a lady to up the stakes of their relationship and change the dynamic of his relationship with his sister, but I did note my interest in the two young lovers. So getting a part I actually wanted for once is really cool! I may ask to make my character female just because I think the daughter could feasibly be LGB, given how much the script makes of her seeing the world "simply and clearly". Okay, actually I just want to play a lesbian for once, and I swear this guy's lines sound like every cliche lesbian U-Hauler.

(I'm also just really glad I wasn't cast as the serving girl: I'm the only one in my class who isn't white; it would have looked really awkward.)

I got the production role I wanted too: Publicity. :D I'm so keen to bust out the sketchbook and the camera and Photoshop/maybe Final Cut Pro, and I have these ridiculous ideas about advertising via social media (I mean, Overheard has a ton of people and VUWSA and Failient have a lot of followers too).

We're sort of moving the play from pre-Revolution Russia to a currentish New Zealand wine festival; I say "sort of" because the directors haven't yet decided how explicit the move will be (whether lines mentioning "Russia" get changed to "New Zealand" etc). And our set design looks awesome, all stylized with bits that can be removed so it looks like it's falling apart as the characters are.

So I am really looking forward to this show. :D She says, before rehearsals to ten at night start (this week).

shows: summerfolk, school: theatre

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