I rollerbladed allllllllllll arouuuuuuuuuund town today :D

Oct 20, 2011 20:14

Classes are over for the year! I walked out of my last ALIN 202 workshop (which pretty much just turned into a shared lunch with some kickass food) with yet another A+ that feels slightly undeserved. I have pretty much kicked this class' ass with very little effort, to the point I'm doing better in it than the classes for my majors. o_o;; (I had a look into the requirements for actually majoring in second language ed, but that'd take another few more years instead of the one and a semester I'm looking at now.) But I feel like I've somewhat mitigated this with the final test, which I think I answered correctly but unintelligently. I don't like tests. :|

On the upside, I have a job now :D General sales in menswear at Farmers (a department store; sort of more towards the JC Penney end of the scale than Target). I'll be starting tomorrow and I am so excited!

Today I attended the LegaliseLove March for Equality (in marriage and adoption) with ablabsolute :) It was great! Even though it ran on Filipino time :P We all kind of milled around in Civic Square before a speech, and then we marched up along Willis Street and Lambton Quay to Parliament for a few more speeches from important folk, some really good speeches, on the LegaliseLove movement in general, on why even the Christians are behind it (love!), a trans* perspective, and on homophobia in schools and homophobic language (ie. "that's so gay").

Well, I say we marched, but I rollerbladed, because I am crazy. For someone who's used to an audience, it was kind of amazing to have that power to get and hold attention just by walking down the street...on the road, en masse, with banners and flags and chants. When we went past a hairdresser's the staff all came outside and yelled their support, heheh. I heard that National Radio had no idea it was going on until today when they saw us walking past their office so someone just ran out the door with a mic to cover it 8D

I wonder if the ranty "God says this is wrong" Christian just outside Civic Square saw this one...

I saw this girl afterwards and she said she's thinking about turning the sign into a Mother's Day card or Christmas present for her mums.

Yeah, this isn't a sign, just some epic legwarmers.

Oh hello, that's me (from Scoop, which has more photos from the actual march and rally). Mickey Mouse, am I texting in this photo?! The scarf around my waist was Chris's :') Funny thing is, he claimed it wasn't really a pride thing; he just saw a friend wearing it at a party and thought it was cool and the friend gave it to him.

I've also posted a few more sign photos on Plurk and a few more from the march on Facebook if you have me added there :)

teh ghey, work: farmers: menswear, school: tesol, photos

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