Jun 18, 2011 23:17

  • Sis and I chugged Powerades at four in the morning because we stupidly bought them before going through security.
  • My tangle of electronics, which got through the US perfectly fine, in fact with even more stuff, tripped Sydney Airport security and I had to unpack them all and then it turned out the guy was suspicious about my DS games. Are there no gamers in Australia or something??
  • Loving the Philippines thus far, with all its heat that sis is all x_x about while I'm just like HAHA THIS IS FINE and McDonalds doing deliveries and Tagalog everywhere and sis not understanding.
  • I have really got to train myself out of instinctively going to Spanish when someone I don't know speaks a language I don't speak to me. For some reason, though, if it's relatives I still go to English; in the airport and random Filipinos on our flights I kept thinking "si" instead of "oo" and then freezing while I thought "hang on a minute".
  • My nine-year-old cousin whom I sort of named is shy and quiet and adorable. (I say sort of named because her parents were looking for a B name and ended up using the one I suggested. Which was actually a third grade classmate's.)
  • Region 4 Digimon Adventure dub DVDs are on preorder. Never been so happy to be a New Zealander! Except maybe when we drew with Italy in the World Cup last year; that was hilarious.
  • Speaking of Digimon, I watched Tron: Legacy on the plane (yes yes late to the party) and have the weirdest urge to write or RP or something an Adventure/Tron crossover AU fusion something or other, possibly using Koushirou as the dad, his epilogue clone daughter as Sam, and digimon as the Programs or something. Clearly I have dumb ideas on planes.
  • fandom: digimon adventure

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