mixing and matching pajamas is fun, yo

May 27, 2011 02:10

  • It's amazing how much more confident you can feel about a performance once you've got a solid idea, the start of a script, and booked rehearsal times. I'm gonna be playing a Barbie sick of being played with and am making Dad translate the starts of my performance and score into Taglish (the best of both worlds, ie. my class's odd fascination with my mangled Tagalog and comprehension). This should be interesting.
  • I have come to the realization that I could totally minor in teaching English as a second language if I wanted. Assuming that I'm interested enough in Second Language Curriculum Design next semester to want to keep going with it, anyway. I'm really gutted that there's apparently a maximum number of classes you can take per semester (four; I had no idea) so I can't take Sociolinguistics; it sounded a lot more interesting than ALIN 202 but ALIN 202 is a prereq for the 300-level ALIN classes.
  • I am so not minoring in Latin, even though all it would take is one more class. Plus, if I do throw myself into a TESOL minor next year, I'd max out the number of classes I can take in the normal year, and none of my papers are offered in the summer.
  • Today I was in the green room and told someone that her solo performance was High School Musical (she'd said that "it's about how society puts you into a box and once you break out of that box, you can be awesome"). I went back to minding my own business and next time I looked up, she was playing "Bet On It" and half the people there were doing imitations of Troy's flamboyant choreography. Later on, right before the 201 lecture, the girls a few people down my table (the room's table layout is any number of variations on long rows) were singing "Once Upon a December" from Anastasia. I feel like today was a musical and no one told me.
  • Yesterday my theater lecturer asked if anyone in the class played rugby. I'm not sure if she was expecting the dead silence she got, but I certainly was.
  • I've signed up to help crew and maybe post produce the film honors students' films. I am quite looking forward to this.
  • The last I don't know how long I've been a member of a NZ-based market research site and recently I discovered that I'd done enough surveys to get a couple of payouts. $40 in Farmers vouchers, baby. Bring on the tights.
  • One of my favorite pairs of boots badly needs resoling; I somehow managed to lose the heel sole of one. And because I am a cheap bastard and will be getting it done in the Philippines, they will be out of commission for two and a half weeks. You do not know my devastation. (Also that pair is waterproof and it has been wet lately.)
  • NASA is officially ending communication attempts with Spirit and all I could think about was that xkcd comic.
  • Hurrah for the Canucks making it to the Stanley Cup finals! @CanucksGame has gotten me through many a boring lecture; thank you, time difference.
  • I still don't know why of all things that made me rage most about the Glee finale, it was Sunshine's harebrained plan to get out of the US that actually goes against stuff she should actually know. What the hell, self? It's not like Glee is a shining bastion of good research; why am I so angry about a throwaway line?
  • school: theatre, school: latin, fandom: glee, school: tesol, fandom: high school musical, film

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