my Urban Outfitters order finally arrived from Australia! the hoodie is the softest ever!!

Mar 02, 2011 18:06

This week's film lecture was on the cinema of attractions and how in the early days people watched films just for the OMGWTFery of moving pictures but in some ways we're still going over the same old footage if in new forms like CGI. Our guest lecturer for this actually brought up games and how film is influencing games and vice versa and showed game trailers to show how that spectacle inherent in films is coming into gaming. I called out "Two words: Final. Fantasy." since he was showing western stuff (Gran Turismo, Assassin's Creed, Dead Island) and he agreed with me :D but noted that their trailers are crap, haha. (That said, I found it pretty dang interesting that only the Assassin's Creed trailer showed actual gameplay; the rest were more FMV-y.) Maybe one day I will write about games!!

I got chucked into one of the space, light, and text workshops that's doing lighting first. So keen.

Skins US
Love that Michelle finally got to be HBIC this episode. Loved her reaction to everything, though I wish she hadn't fucked Tony one last time just because they're STD compatible. And I now crackship Betty/Michelle. Though really, I wish Bettea hadn't got started properly (yes yes, she put her truth on her but we didn't see her much after that, just randomly) offscreen.

school: theatre, school: film, video games, fandom: skins us

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