I bought a Jasmine costume at the start of the year fully intending to use it for Halloween. I have enough tourist junk that I could dress up as a Disney tourist or disperse it among friends with matching shirts and go as a Brazilian tour group (OLE, OLE OLE OLE!). Naturally, it's exam season, and my house is too out of the way for trick or treaters (my sister trick or treated elsewhere) so there's no point even dressing up for that. This country sucks.
More importantly: NaNo, anyone? Who's doing it, what are you writing about, add me at
the usual username, etc. I am writing about an OC on the College Program. Because I write what I know. Not that it's autobiographical.
Less importantly: I am getting way too addicted to RSS feeds lately. I just feel like an idiot when I add one and then later find I'm uninterested (I had a couple on science and psychology that I got bored with).